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Parabéns Fábil, ótimo vídeo cara. While many holocaust survivors openly express rage and uncontrolled bitterness towards their persecutors, other survivors display only an emotional deadness and a pervasive feeling of being alone and scared. In the movie "Fateless, Gyuri, a young man sent to Buchenwald, moves from a childlike innocence to world-weariness in the span of one year. When he comes home, he feels more alone than he did at the camp and even expresses a sort of homesickness for the camaraderie he felt. As a disfigured Holocaust survivor in Christian Petzold's "Phoenix, Nina Hoss' shattered look, repressed emotions, and shaky voice feel so natural that her gradual awakening to life epitomizes a Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Hungary's entry for Best International Feature Film at the 2019 Academy Awards, Barnabás Tóth's ( Camembert Rose" Those Who Remained (Akik maradtak) asks us to rethink our idea of what liberation meant to those just released from the camps. Based on the 2004 novel of the same name by Zsuzsa F. Varkonyi and set in Budapest between 1948 and 1953, the suffering of the Holocaust years are deeply etched on the face of Doctor Aládar (Aldo) Körner (Károly Hajduk, One Day. a slender, gaunt man of about forty who is going through the motions of his Ob-Gyn practice at a Budapest hospital, but the look in his eyes cannot hide the trauma of his wife's death and that of his two young boys.
Coming from the Israelite Community Orphanage, Klára (Abigél Szõke, X - The eXploited. a mature-looking 16-year-old girl, sees Dr. Körner, for a gynecological exam to find out why her puberty has come so late. At first, angry, fearful, and wound into a tight knot, when she reaches out and suddenly embraces the doctor, it is clear that she is seeking more than an exam but a respite from her desperate loneliness. Outspoken in her disdain for her classmates at school and her great-aunt Olgi (Mari Nagy, Budapest Noir" with whom she lives, Klára only begins to reveal her repressed humanity when Aldo responds to her like a fellow human being in pain, not a wounded animal.
Bringing the film to life with her tremendously affecting performance, Szõke refuses to return to Olgi even though she loves her and wants her to be happy. Instead, she moves in with Aldo who acts as a foster father, sharing custody with her aunt. He makes the rules, however, and is strict about physical contact, especially when she crawls into bed with him at night. Gradually, both open up though to each other. They talk about God, her parents, the sister she feels guilty about not being able to save from death, and, in a tender scene, he shares with her his photo album from before the war.
Though Aldo strictly adheres to the rules of propriety, their developing relationship raises some eyebrows, and the interest of Soviet operatives. Amidst talk of a Soviet crackdown on personal freedoms, Aldo and Klára do their best to be discreet, but it does not prevent others from gossiping. In one instance, after being seen in a park laying her head on Aldo's lap, Klára is defiant when interrogated by a Communist official. Similarly, Pista (Andor Lukáts, The Whiskey Bandit. Aldo's colleague at work, says that people have disappeared during the night and tells him that he has joined the Communist Party and has been asked to inform on him.
Those Who Remained is an intimate look at two damaged souls who have been bruised and shaken by life but are now ready to begin the reconstruction of their life, a process which will, in Percy Bysshe Shelley's phrase "lift the veil from the hidden beauty of the world." Knowing that any expression of the love they feel for each other will push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable, both realize that their protestations of innocence will not be enough to keep them safe, and that they must now reach out to others, bringing solace and joy in a world in dire need of both.

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Soviet Union Idi i smotri is a movie starring Aleksey Kravchenko, Olga Mironova, and Liubomiras Laucevicius. After finding an old rifle, a young boy joins the Soviet resistance movement against ruthless German forces and experiences the horrors 47575 votes genre - War Release year - 1985 8,9 / 10. Velkommen til MaxGaming, nettbutikken for de som elsker spill og e-sport! Vi har det største spekteret av spillrelaterte produkter i Nord som vi har nøye valgt for å passe den kresne gameren. Enten du er ute etter den perfekte spillmusen, en ekte japansk arkadekontroll eller en genser fra ditt favoritt e-sportsteam, har vi det du trenger. Vi er spesialister på produkter som er spesielt utviklet for spill og e-sport. Hvis du leter etter spillmusen som er perfekt for deg, bør du sjekke vårt brede utvalg av spillmus, finne ut hva grep du vanligvis bruker for å få et perfekt mål. Hvis du vil støte battlestasjonen med noen kule LED-lamper i 16, 8 millioner farger, har vi både RGB-fans og LED-striper å bruke, se vårt utvalg av datakomponenter og tilbehør! Gjennom nær kontakt med en rekke distributører og e-sportsorganisasjoner over hele verden, kan vi tilby unike produkter og konkurransedyktige priser. Fordi vi har gjort store anstrengelser for å gjøre hver gamer lykkelig, har vi også tatt med produktene mest ettertraktede av entusiaster, som uvanlige mekaniske nøkler eller eksklusive samlere. Med 1-2 dager leveringstid, trenger du aldri å bekymre deg for et LAN. Føl deg trygg når du handler hos oss, vi har sikre betalingsmåter og fantastisk service.

Michael J Totten   4. februar 2013, 23:15 Love It, Hate It — but See It Zero Dark Thirty is too important to be boycotted by anyone but activists. Zero Dark Thirty, screenwriter Mark Boal and director Kathryn Bigelows new film about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, is weathering a storm of criticism. Critics overwhelmingly give the film positive reviews, but activists claim that it approves of and even glorifies the use of torture against suspected al-Qaida terrorists held in secret CIA prisons and “black” sites. The accusation is ludicrous. Nothing in  Zero Dark Thirty  suggests that either Boal or Bigelow approves of torture. So many have accused Bigelow of torture advocacy that she took to the pages of the  Los Angeles Times  and answered the charges directly. “As a lifelong pacifist, ”  she wrote, “I support all protests against the use of torture, and, quite simply, inhumane treatment of any kind. ” Not only is she against torture—shes a  pacifist. The reason shes being called out for the opposite—David Edelstein at even  calls  the film “borderline fascistic” and “barely distinct from a boneheaded right-wing revenge picture”—is that she set her own opinions aside and depicted the hunt for bin Laden journalistically and objectively. The films electrifying final third dramatizes the raid on the al-Qaida leaders compound in Pakistan, while the middle third shows the painstaking detective work that went into tracking him down. The films first third—the portion catching all the flak—takes place in secret CIA prisons in Afghanistan and Poland, where terrorist suspects are ruthlessly interrogated for intelligence about bin Ladens whereabouts. Anti-torture activists are  picketing theaters  in cities around the country and handing out leaflets. They seem to be confusing activism with journalism and art, which I suppose makes sense, since theyre the activists and Bigelow is the artist. But someone needs to explain to them how journalism and art work. “Those of us who work in the arts, ” Bigelow writes, “know that depiction is not endorsement. If it was, no artist would be able to paint inhumane practices, no author could write about them, and no filmmaker could delve into the thorny subjects of our time. ” But Bigelows critics didnt want art, nor were they interested in a journalistic account. They wanted a cinematic op-ed piece and didnt get it. True, neither the writer nor filmmaker articulate an anti-torture message, but those trained in the arts know this sort of thing is not always necessary or even desirable. Good novelists and filmmakers can manipulate the emotions and even opinions of their audience, but they also know that the strongest emotions and opinions are self-generated. One of the first things a student of creative writing hears from a good teacher is “show, dont tell. ” If you want the audience to think something is horrible, you dont tell them something is horrible. You show them something thats horrible and let them come to a conclusion about it themselves. The first third of  Zero Dark Thirty  not only depicts scenes of prisoner abuse; it also includes gut-wrenching scenes of mass murder and terrorism. No character waltzes in front of the camera later to tell the audience that terrorism and suicide bombings are wrong. That would be gratuitous and insulting, as if the audience were made up of four-year olds. The scenes depicting prisoner abuse are trickier, because the films protagonists are committing violence against helpless captives. Its less obvious how were supposed to feel about that. American public opinion is divided. Speaking for myself, I sank in my seat and cringed during those scenes. I saw the movie twice, and I was no more comfortable the second time around. My feelings of revulsion were entirely self-generated. Neither Boal nor Bigelow told me to feel that way. If the film had lectured the audience, or if one character lectured another, my own natural reaction to what I had seen would have been somewhat diminished. Thats why calling a book or film “preachy” isnt a compliment. There is no getting around it: What took place in those CIA black sites was a nasty business. If you abhor what went on there, you should appreciate the fact that  Zero Dark Thirty  portrays it unflinchingly. If, on the other hand, you approve of the rough methods used to extract information from captured al-Qaida members, if you think the results were justified by the means—rest assured that none of the films characters will step in front of the camera and call you a monster.  Zero Dark Thirty  doesnt tell anyone what to think. Its shows us what we should think  about. Journalists and consumers of quality journalism should be thankful for this; artists and consumers of quality art should be thankful, too. Activists, and those with an activist way of thinking, are the ones who have a problem with the neutral and balanced approach—not because they want to be lectured themselves, but because they want to sit in a room where everyone else is being lectured. Zero Dark Thirty  is a hybrid of journalism and drama that includes no moralizing and no op-ed flourishes. Instead, its a gritty crash course in reality, which doesnt care about anyones political preferences. Reality isnt liberal or conservative or fascist or libertarian. It just is. True, the filmmakers used creative license to create composite characters, making some scenes in the film not strictly accurate. When activists and critics accuse  Zero Dark Thirty  of giving the false impression that torturing prisoners yielded vital information that helped us track down bin Laden, they have more of a case. Here, theyre half right. We see a detainee waterboarded, placed in excruciating “stress positions, ” kept awake for days on end by heavy metal music at volumes only appropriate for a rock concert, stripped naked, and forced to crawl around on the floor while wearing a dog collar. After all that, he coughs up the name Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, which turns out to be the  nom de guerre  of bin Ladens courier. This critical piece of intelligence eventually helped lead the CIA to the terrorist masterminds safe house in Abbottabad, Pakistan. That, however, is not exactly what happened. The prisoner in the film, Ammar, isnt based on any one detainee. Hes a composite. Everything that happens to him in the film really did happen to prisoners at CIA black sites, but the real-life version of the man who gave us the name Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti—a Saudi, Mohammed al-Qahtani—wasnt waterboarded. Nor was he placed in stress positions. But  according to Peter Bergen, a prize-winning journalist who knows this subject better than just about anyone, al-Qahtani was “kept awake. by loud music being blasted when he was falling asleep, doused with water and subjected to cold temperatures, kept naked and forced to perform tricks as if he were a dog. ” So while its true that the CIA didnt learn about Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti by waterboarding a prisoner, the CIA did waterboard prisoners, and it did acquire al-Kuwaitis name from harsh methods that are no longer used and that are condemned as torture by those who condemn acts of torture. Filming all this without comment does not constitute an endorsement. Kathryn Bigelow explained her intention this way in  Los Angeles Times: “Bin Laden wasnt defeated by superheroes zooming down from the sky; he was defeated by ordinary Americans who fought bravely even as they  sometimes  crossed moral lines, who labored greatly and intently, who gave all of themselves in both victory and defeat, in life and in death, for the defense of this nation. ” Zero Dark Thirty  is not “just a movie. ”   As a creative, quasi-historical document, it is likely the most vivid and realistic depiction of the hunt for Osama bin Laden that will ever be filmed. Love it or hate it, everybody should see it. Michael J. Totten is a contributing editor at  City Journal. His most recent book,  Where the West Ends, was published last summer.

#1 Jeg ser for meg to betydninger av å stulle, som kanskje delvis overlapper hverandre: 1) å stulle = å rusle omkring (uten noen spesiell hensikt. to potter around/about. Han liker å stulle i hagen om ettermiddagen. Han går og stuller i hagen. 2) å stulle med = å ta seg av, å pleie, å stelle = to care for, to look after. Han er i fjøset og stuller med kuene. Han går og stuller i fjøset. Hei Sigjak takk for kommentaren din om emnet "å stelle og stulle. Med hensyn til dine uttrykk: Han går og stuller i hagen. Han går og stuller i fjøset. Beklager, men her trenger jeg en forklaring. Bruker du en slags progressiv form (slik på engelsk) på norsk? Kunne du vennligst oversette begge fra norsk til engelsk og bedre til spansk/italiensk? Jeg er interessert i å forbedre min norsk. Takk for din hjelp på forhånd. Ciao Mvh Ermanno Mod note: Interessant diskusjon, men ikke helt på topic Har derfor flyttet disse postene til denne tråden. #2 Hallo Ermanno, dette var en interessant observasjon fra din side. Jeg har faktisk ikke tenkt på det tidligere, men kanskje konstruksjonen "jeg går her og + verb" kan betraktes som en slags "present continuous" eller "present progressive" Jeg går (her/rundt) og tenker på at... Han går og ser på at... Hun går og er bekymret for at... Jeg håper at noen kan forklare dette bedre enn det jeg kan, men det synes klart at verbet "går" har mistet sin egentlige betydning og er med på å danne en "perífrasis verbal" sammen med verb nr 2. Konstruksjonen minner på mange måter om hvordan det spanske verbet andar (å gå) kan opptre sammen med partisipp-former: Ando muy preocupado últimamente. Jeg går rundt og er veldig bekymret) Anda diciendo que la culpa de todo la tiene su suegra. Han går og sier at det er svigermora som er skyld i alt sammen) Håper dette kan være til hjelp, og at andre kan bidra med sine synspunkter. Hilsen Sigmund #3 Hej! Är det samma uttryck som på svenska? Jag går och tränar" Jag sitter och läser" Jag står och pratar" I så fall är det ett uttryck som motsvarar det italienska: Vado a fare palestra" Sto seduto e) leggo" Sto in piedi e) parlo" När det gäller den första meningen så antar jag att uttrycket kan motsvara det italienska "proposizione finale implicita" de använder i så fall presens där vi (italienare) använder infinitiv. De sista två meningarna är däremot ett uttryck som vi kanske inte skulle använda på italienska, utan vi skulle hellre säga bara "leggo/parlo" eller "sto leggendo/parlando" eftersom det inte är så viktigt om vi "sitter" eller "står" medan vi pratar/läser osv (vi har ju inte olika verb för det heller, utan bara ett allmänt "stare. Jag tror att det är ett ganska vanligt uttryck på svenska. Är det så också på norska? Rätta mig gärna om det behövs Ciao! 4 Norsk har ikkje ei eiga verbform for continuous/progressive, så ein brukar vanlegvis forskjellige perifrasar for å uttrykker dette. Ein brukar gjerne verb som uttrykker "posisjon" som gå, sitta, stå: Eg står og snakkar i telefon - I'm talking on the phone (so don't disturb me right now. Eg sit og ser på fjernsyn - I'm watching television At personen sit/står i denne samanhengen er eigentleg heilt irrelevant, det som blir uttrykt ved å putta inn eit ekstra verb er continuous/progressive aspekt. (Reknar med dette er det same på svensk. Elles kan ein bruka uttrykket driva med: Eg driv og snakkar i telefon Eg driv og ser på fjernsyn #5 Hei Zadrien, jeg er ikke sikker på om uttrykkene du nevner, helt kan sammenlignes med de norske som jeg har nevnt ovenfor. I dine eksempler gjør du to ting samtidig, du sitter mens du leser, du står mens du prater, men når noen sier at "jeg går (rundt) og tenker på at det kanskje ville være bedre om vi skilte lag. jeg går (her) og ser på at mine økonomiske problemer blir stadig værre. jeg går (rundt) og er bekymret for hvordan det skal gå" forstår jeg det slik at vedkommende ikke nødvendigvis "går" mens han uttrykker seg slik, men at han kanskje står, ligger, sitter eller sykler; verbet gå har mistet sin egentlige betydning, men er sammen med verb nr 2 med på å gi dette verbet en "forlenget. progressive" eller "continuous. valør. Jeg håper noen kan hjelpe meg med en bedre forklaring... Edit: Takk, sdr, for dine nyttige kommentarer, som jeg ikke hadde lest da jeg skrev denne posten. #6 Norsk har ikkje ei eiga verbform for continuous/progressive, så ein brukar vanlegvis forskjellige perifrasar for å uttrykker dette. Eg sit og ser på fjernsyn - I'm watching television At personen sit/står i denne samanhengen er eigentleg heilt irrelevant, det som blir uttrykt ved å putta inn eit ekstra verb er continuous/progressive aspekt. ) Hei, hei sdr083, takk for din hjelp. Jeg synes at du bruker nynorsk i din beskjed, ikke sant? Nynorsk er litt mer vanskelig for meg enn bokmål, likevel var det klart det samme. Kan jeg stille et spørsmål? Kanskje leser du italiensk for tiden? Takk Mvh. #7 De sista två meningarna är däremot ett uttryck som vi kanske inte skulle använda på italienska, utan vi skulle hellre säga bara "leggo/parlo" eller "sto leggendo/parlando" eftersom det inte är så viktigt om vi "sitter" eller "står" medan vi pratar/läser osv (vi har ju inte olicka verb för det heller, utan bara ett allmänt "stare. Är det så också på norska? Ciao Hej Zadrien takk for ditt innlegg. Jeg beklager om jeg skriver på norsk. Dessverre kan jeg ikke skrive på svensk, men jeg kan lese og forstå din svensk. Siden disse uttrykkene (både på norsk og svensk) queste espressioni svedesi e norvegesi" kan være viktige for de som studerer norsk og/eller svensk mål/språk, håper jeg at flere nordmenn/svensker vil tilføye ytterligere bidrag. Grazie #8 helt kan sammenlignes med de norske som jeg har nevnt ovenfor. forstår jeg det slik at vedkommende ikke nødvendigvis "går" mens han uttrykker seg slik, men at han kanskje står, ligger, sitter eller sykler; verbet gå har mistet sin egentlige betydning, men er sammen med verb nr 2 med på å gi dette verbet en "forlenget. progressive" eller "continuous. valør. Jag tror jag fattar vad du menar. Men nu undrar jag en sak: sdr083" sa att det viktiga i meningar som "Eg står og snakkar i telefon" är det andra verbet och att man använder ett sånt uttryck med sitta/stå för att uttrycka ett slags present continuous, fast det också betyder att man egentligen sitter ( Eg sit og ser på fjernsyn" eller står ( Eg står og snakkar i telefon. Det går väl inte att säga "Eg sit og ser på fjernsyn" om man egentligen står, eller? Eftersom du däremot sa att man egentligen kan sitta eller stå, fast man använder "att gå" så undrar jag vilken skilnad som finns mellan meningar med "att sitta/stå/ligga" och meningarna med "att gå" som du nämnat. Hoppas att jag lyckats att förklara min tvekan eheheh. #9 Hei, Jeg er enig med det du har sagt, og ville bare si at det kanskje blir forvirrende fordi "gå og" kan ha to meninger i motsetning til "sitter og. står og. Eks. Jeg går og legger meg, Jeg går og kjøper en kaffe: I'm gonna go. Voy a. Fremtid) Jeg går og tenker på. Jeg går og stuller i hagen... Dette er mer som "andando" som nevnt, jeg driver og. Ando pensando... Huff, hjalp det, eller #10 Hei! Jeg tror at "périfrasis verbal" er den beste måten å forklare fenomenet på. Her fra Språkrådet sine nettsider: Dra og handle Etter forbindelser som dra og. gå og. være med og. kan å pluss infinitiv bare brukes med en preposisjon foran. Ligger det hensikt i ordene dra. gå. får vi det godt fram med for å: De ville dra for å handle. Vi kan også skrive: Vi ville være med på å feire deg. Oftest er det likevel best med og: De ville dra og handle. Vi ville være med og feire deg. #11 Så vidt jeg kan se, er det ingen som hittil har nevnt de kanskje vanligste konstruksjonene som uttrykker "continuous/progressive" ideen på norsk: å holde på (med) å + infinitiv og være i ferd med å + infinitiv: Han holder på (med) er i ferd med å male huset - Han driver og maler huset. Hva er det som driver og skjer. Hva er det som er i ferd med/holder på å skje? Jeg driver og tester en ny PC - Jeg holder på (med) er i ferd med å teste en ny PC. Vær oppmerksom på at å holde på å + inf også kan ha en annen betydning: å nesten gjøre noe, be about to do smth" Jeg holdt på å falle = Jeg falt ikke, men nesten, det var nære på! 12 Har ikkje tenkt på dette før, men begynte å lura då eg las den siste posten her: Kan det vera slik at å holde på å + inf. kan få tydinga "å nesten gjera noko" når det står saman med eit verb som har inherent punktuelt aspekt (som falla) og som difor ikkje kan setjast i "continuous/progressive" Kan det kanskje òg uttrykka iterativt aspekt med slike verb? Ville gjerne høyrt frå nokon som faktisk brukar uttrykket (ikkje at det ikkje er heilt kurant norsk, men personleg brukar eg "holde på" kun i "nesten" tydinga) om denne setninga kan tolkast iterativt utan med: Han holdt på (med) å slå ( Han slo nesten eller Han slo mange gonger/dreiv og slo) 13. Hei Sigmund Hvordan har du det? Hola ¿cómo estás? AA)å holde på (med) å + infinitiv og være i ferd med å + infinitiv: Jeg tolker at jeg kan uttrykke begge to med denne italienske konstruksjonen: Stare per. for eksempel "Sto per partire" dvs. "Jeg er i ferd med å reise" og "jeg holder på (med) å reise. Tolker jeg det riktig? BB) Jeg holdt på å falle = Jeg falt ikke, men nesten, det var nære på. I dette tilfelle BB) er jeg i tvil. Bortsett fra sammenhengen som kan hjelpe for mye, hvordan kan jeg slippe å gjøre en tabbe? Kanskje bruken av verbet (verbformen) i fortiden? Jeg falt ikke, men nesten, det var nære på" på italiensk "stavo per cadere, ma quasi, ero sul punto) Takk for din hjelp. #14 Hola Ermanno: Jeg kan dessverre ikke hjelpe deg med den italienske oversettelsen av "Jeg holdt på å falle" men på spansk uttrykkes ofte det som "nesten" skjedde, med casi + presensformen av verbet: Había tal cantidad de agua en el suelo, que casi me caigo. #15 Jag skulle översätta det med: stare facendo qc. eller "stare per fare qc. " Sen beror det på sammanhanget. Kanske skulle jag använda verbet i presens om jag ville uttrycka att jag precis nu gör nånting (som ett slags present continuous) medan verbet i preteritum om jag ville uttrycka att jag är nära att göra nånting. NB: Det är ingen grammatisk regel som jag läst i någon bok, utan bara något som jag antar. Dessutom är svenskan inte mitt modersmål och jag utgår från att det här uttrycket är det samma som på svenska: att hålla på + inf. Alltså, lita inte på mig! eheheh Här kommer min gissning i alla fall: Jeg holder på å studere. Jag håller på att studera. I'm studying. Sto studiando" Jeg holdt på å falle. Jag höll på att falla. I was about to fall. Stavo per cadere" Jag undrade dessutom om meningar som "Jag håller på att plugga" och "Jag sitter och pluggar" både på norska och på svenska var utbytbara. Finns det svenskar (eller norrmän som kan svenska) som läser den här tråden så vore jag jättetacksam om ni kunde rätta det jag skrivit #16 Jeg vil bare si at jeg ikke ville sagt "jeg holder på å studere" for "I'm studying. Kanskje nettopp fordi det for meg høres ut som " jeg studerer nesten" Og det betyr liksom ingenting. Eller "Ser du ikke at jeg er opptatt, jeg holder på med noe. " Hvis noen spør meg "hva gjør du. eller "hva driver du med. sier jeg " jeg studerer. Hvis jeg sier "jeg driver og studerer" får det en annen mening, type: jeg driver jo og studerer, men det går ikke så bra/jeg er ikke så interessert/egentlig skal jeg bli glamourmodell. Bare et eksempel! "Jag sitter och pluggar" derimot, som Zadrien skriver, er en fin konstruksjon som er et bra svar hvis noen spør hva du gjør akkurat nå. Presens funker veldig ofte på norsk og svensk der du ville brukt en progressiv form på mange andre språk. Jag kan inte se nåra fel på din svenska Zadrien.

Video originally published on on 16. 12. 2011 NO DESCRIPTION 15. september 2016. Not often do I see a movie so visually arresting that it becomes impossible to unsee it. "Come and See" is a spellbinding tale of innocence shattered by the inexorable, mechanical cruelty of war. The protagonist, Florya, wants to become a Partisan, a guerrilla group bent on stopping the advance of the German Fascists at any cost.
He is barely of adolescent age when the decision is made for him, and he is whisked off to war. Lagging behind due to the heavy weight of his gear, he meets Glasha, a girl with a near-prophetic intuition. Her presence gives the film a psychological clout reminiscent of German expressionism; much of the full horror of war is experienced subjectively, through her eyes. When a Nazi plane bombs the forest, Florya is temporarily struck deaf, forcing Glasha to catch the exposition ball. Her face twists in abject terror, and her voice is distorted to a mechanical whir, as she seeks shelter from the mayhem. Later on, when the two find their way back to Florya's hometown, we find it deserted, except for the remains of a stale dinner and his two sisters' dolls- all swarming with flies. Florya never sees the bodies of his entire village piled against the back of a house- yet the camera does, through Glasha's eyes. Klimov is a genius at conveying the sheer power of subjective, emotion-laced scenes like these. A major theme of the movie is the dehumanizing effect of war. Animalistic imagery reinforces this. At one point, we see a single cow, alone except for Florya and his comrades, in the middle of a field. Suddenly, machine guns open fire, and the cow is hit. She bellows in agony and sinks to the ground, convulsing and bleeding, before dying a slow, painful death. This symbolizes the expendable soldiers on both sides, who are driven like cattle off to war and die like animals, with no trace of human dignity. Soon afterward, the Nazis invade the rural village of Perekhody and herd every man, woman and child into a barn, again like cattle. The adults are then removed, with the children left inside. They torch the barn, children and all. We hear their terrible screams, and the door stretches and strains as they struggle to escape. The camera stares paralyzed at this atrocity, just as I was, from its sheer brutality. The Nazis proceed to torch the rest of the town with zero regard for civilians. It is a far cry from most Hollywood movies, which romanticize war as an act of chivalry and patriotism. Not Klimov. War is hell, and he drives this fact home with a hand as heavy as an anvil.
Near the end of the movie, the outraged Partisans corner the invading Nazi unit and secure them to a wall, similar to the innocent people of Florya's village. They, Florya included, debate whether to burn them alive, as they did to many of Florya's neighbors. Suddenly, the movie shifts to formalism: the color becomes sepia, and we see a dramatic montage of scenes from Hitler's regime. They begin with the emaciated, living skeletons of the concentration camps, and run backward in time to propaganda posters, Hitler's rise to power, and finally Hitler as a baby. Suddenly, a pang of conscience strikes them- if they burn the soldiers, they would sink to the same level as their victims. They would be war criminals as well. Florya raises his gun, which he has not fired once in the entire movie, to shoot the image of baby Hitler- but freezes. We realize that some humanity remains in him. In true realist fashion, the core of the movie is not its plot, or its setting, or its visual effects- but the complex, deep emotions that make the characters believable and easy to relate to. Highly recommended.

156, 314 people follow this Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - September 9, 2010 Direkte sending fra SE og HØR Live Video Interrupted The broadcast has been paused. It should resume shortly. Live Video Not Available. It may contain content that is limited in the country you are in. This live video has ended. It'll be available to watch on SE og HØR 's timeline shortly. It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. If so, please try restarting your browser. Close Han blev bare 68 år gammel 😢 He just became 68 years old 😢 Translated LIVE Direkte sending fra SE og HØR Live med Silke og Sarah fra "Paradise Hotel" Med partybussen fra Reality Awards 2020.

Har du købt bolig efter finanskrisen, og bor du i et område, hvor huspriserne er steget, så kan der være penge at spare, hvis du lykkes med at forhandle gebyret på dit lån ned. Det viser en udregning, som Boligøkonomisk Videncenter har lavet for DR Nyheder. Det er de såkaldte bidragssatser, som boligejere flere steder i landet potentielt set kan spare penge på, hvis ellers bankerne og realkreditinstitutterne vil udregne bidragssatserne på baggrund af boligernes nutidsværdi. I dag lægger bankerne boligens værdi på det tidspunkt, du tager lånet, til grund for udregningen af gebyrerne. Dem, der ville kunne spare mest i form af reducerede bidragssatser, er dem, som bor i de huse, som er steget mest i perioden efter finanskrisen, siger Marc Lund Andersen, seniorøkonom i Boligøkonomisk Videncenter. Det er særligt boligejere i København og omegn samt i Aarhus og Aalborg, der potentielt set kan spare penge på bidragssatsen, fordi boligpriserne i disse områder er steget. De største besparelser er at hente for boligejere, der har tegnet afdragsfrie lån med variabel rente på op til 80 procent af boligens værdi, da bidragssatsen her er højest. Nogle boligejere vil ifølge Boligøkonomisk Videncenter kunne hente op mod 10. 000 kroner hjem årligt ved at få genberegnet bidragssatsen på baggrund af boligens værdi i dag. De fleste vil dog kun opnå besparelser på op til 2. 000 kroner årligt. I andre områder af Danmark - for eksempel på Lolland, Vestsjælland og i Sønderjylland - er der ingen potentielle besparelser at hente, fordi boligpriserne er faldet. Banker: Lånet skal omlægges Er det så muligt at genforhandle sin bidragssats, hvis man har på fornemmelsen, at priserne i området er steget, og man derfor henvender sig til banken? Nej, lyder det både fra Realkredit Danmark og Totalkredit. Kun hvis hele lånet omlægges, tilbyder de to realkreditinstitutter at genberegne bidragssatsen. En forudsætning for at få en ejendomsvurdering og dermed en genberegning af bidragssatsen hos Totalkredit er, at boligejeren omlægger sine eksisterende lån, oplyser Totalkredit til DR Nyheder. Samme melding kommer fra Realkredit Danmark, der understreger, at realkreditinstitutterne ikke regulerer bidragssatserne op eller ned i takt med, at boligerne stiger eller falder i værdi. Stiger boligen i værdi, falder den samlede belåningsgrad, men det fører altså ikke automatisk til lavere bidragssatser. Når man lægger sine realkreditlån om, følger der som udgangspunkt en betydelig sum låneomkostninger med, og dem kan man i princippet også forhandle om, men det kan være svært som privatperson med en mindre låneportefølje at få noget ud af sådan en forhandling. Svært for menigmand Direktøren i firmaet Arvad Finans, Susanne Arvad, oplever dog, at bankerne og realkreditinstitutterne er til at forhandle med, når hun henvender sig på baggrund af kunder, der gerne vil have økonomien set efter i sømmene. Susanne Arvad medgiver, at de fleste kunder ikke af egen drift kan få banken til at sænke bidragssatsen, selvom boligpriserne i området er steget. Hun hører ofte om, at banken kræver, at huset genvurderes, og lånet bliver omlagt med deraf følgende låneomkostninger, før bidragssatsen kan blive genberegnet. Men når hun som finansiel rådgiver tager hul på samme diskussion med banken, sker der ofte noget. For menigmand er det rigtig svært, men kommer der en henvendelse fra os, ser vi ofte, at prisen lige pludselig er en anden. Det synes jeg rent samfundsmæssigt er en katastrofe, lyder det fra Susanne Arvad. Bidragssatsen på et realkreditlån er størst i den del af lånet, der ligger i den yderste ende af belåningen - altså tættest på de 80 procent af boligens værdi, som er det maksimale, man må tage realkreditlån til. Forbrugerrådet: Tag en snak med banken Morten Bruun Pedersen, seniorøkonom i Forbrugerrådet Tænk, opfordrer folk med høje bidragssatser til at tale med banken. Hvis man bor i et område, hvor boligpriserne er steget meget, synes jeg, at man skal tage en snak med sin bank og realkreditinstituttet og høre, om der er mulighed for, at man kan få sat sin bidragssats ned, siger han. Hvis kunden har en stor forretning og er interessant for banken, kan kunden ifølge Forbrugerrådet få noget igennem. Jeg tror, at der er rigtig mange forbrugere, som kan gå ned og få gjort noget ved det her, hvis de er aktive som forbrugere på bankmarkedet. Samtidig vurderer Forbrugerrådet, at det for nogle kunder kan betale sig at få hjælp fra en privat finansiel rådgiver. Hvis man har et tilpas stort lån, vil det kunne være en stor hjælp og en stor besparelse, men man skal også tænke på, at en rådgiver også koster penge, så man kunne prøve med "gør det selv" løsningen i første omgang. Bankerne burde orientere kunderne Forbrugerrådet Tænk retter også fokus mod bankerne og realkreditinstitutterne, som i højere grad burde oplyse kunderne om muligheden for at få vurderet boligen på ny og dermed få bidragssatsen ned. Realkreditinstitutterne følger udviklingen, og de kender den godt, så jeg synes egentlig, de skulle være mere vakse til at oplyse om, at det er en mulighed for at få omvurderet sin ejendom og dermed få en billigere bidragssats i sit boliglån, siger han. Det sker i andre brancher, og det burde bankerne ifølge Forbrugerrådet Tænk efterligne. Telefonselskaber har nogle gange kontaktet kunderne for at sige, at man kan strikke sit abonnement sammen på en anden måde og få en billigere ydelse. Det kunne være rigtig positivt, hvis realkreditinstitutterne gjorde det samme, siger han. Forbrugerrådet Tænk anbefaler faktisk, at bankerne og realkreditinstitutterne nærmest automatisk henvender sig til kunderne med en opfordring til at se nærmere på ejendommen og dermed få reduceret bidragssatsen. På fredag kommer Konkurrencerådet med en analyse af priserne og konkurrencen blandt realkreditinstitutterne.

Yoga Hosers Two teenage yoga enthusiasts team up with a legendary man-hunter to battle with an ancient evil presence that is threatening their major party plans. Senya ichiya monogatari Beautifully constructed, 1001 Nights stays true to the lush and mysterious backdrop of the well known and age old story. Tezuka remolds the story into an escapist fantasy where a 60s-era working man is transported back to an era of entirely fictitious Arabian details. Seemingly at odds with itself, 1001 Nights consistently unfolds in a way that combines Playboy graphics, Arabian rug design and traditional Japanese scroll paintings. Sound like a strange mix? You bet and along the way we experience some of the great cultural juxtapositions that makes Tezuka the unpredictable style it is. Source: MAL Sonic the Hedgehog Based on the global blockbuster videogame franchise from Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog tells the story of the worlds speediest hedgehog as he embraces his new home on Earth. In this live-action adventure comedy, Sonic and his new best friend team up to defend the planet from the evil genius Dr. Robotnik and his plans for world domination. Heavenquest: A Pilgrims Progress Inspired by the 1678 novel The Pilgrims Progress and an imagined prequel to Bunyans original writings. A regal man named Vangel is thrust on a journey against his will when he is suddenly and mysteriously arrested. Injured and lost after escaping the dark kings men, Vangel begins to have strange dreams and visions of a mysterious woman in white calling him from the unknown territory of the North. Armed with a book called “The Record of the Ancients” that he receives from a wise sage named Elder, Vangel embarks on an adventure that takes him through treacherous mountain range, unending deserts, the Lake of Doubts, and the Forest of No Return. Along the way, travel companions share about a fabled good king and his son in the North if he can make it there alive. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker The next installment in the franchise and the conclusion of the “Star Wars“ sequel trilogy as well as the “Skywalker Saga. ” Robodog ROBODOG is a classic, heart-warming adventure story about an unlikely duo who couldnt be more different. KC (Kinetic Canine) is a bright, energetic but overzealous robotic dog, while MARSHALL is an old, curmudgeonly real dog, set in his ways and has little patience for anything new. This canine odd couple embarks on the adventure of a lifetime where each will learn the true nature of friendship, and not to judge a book by its cover. ROBODOG is a story of friendship. Its about appreciating whats inside, regardless of the packaging. An old dog can have his preconceptions overturned and become young again, and a mechanical dog made of circuits, gears and carbon fibre can prove himself to be loyal, brave and trustworthy. 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What awaits them there is a False Paradise. Bella and the Bulldogs A head cheerleaders life takes an unexpected twist when her rifle-like throwing arm takes her from the sidelines to becoming her middle schools starting quarterback. Bella Dawson is a confident, caring and talented teenager, who suddenly finds herself fulfilling a lifelong dream but also having to navigate the world of her teammates Troy, Sawyer and Newt, without losing her two best friends, Pepper and Sophie from the cheer squad. Killing Vasser Its not easy being a gangster. The switch is on, in this sequel continuing where “Becoming Vasser” left off. Gordon, a bumbling dealer, has hilariously fallen into the identity of ruthless trafficker, Samuel Vasser. With the world on a silver platter, will he stay the villain or become the hero? Can Vassers empire continue with an idiot at the wheel? Part two of a two-film duology. The Game Changers From the UFC Octagon in Las Vegas and the anthropology lab at Dartmouth, to a strongman gym in Berlin and the bushlands of Zimbabwe, the world is introduced to elite athletes, special ops soldiers, visionary scientists, cultural icons, and everyday heroes—each on a mission to create a seismic shift in the way we eat and live. The Mystery of Dragon Seal: The Journey to China The Russian Czar Peter the Great commissions Jonathan Green, an English traveller, to map the Far East territories of the Russian Empire. Green sets off on yet another long journey, full of unbelievable adventures, which eventually leads him to China. On his way, the famous cartographer makes breath-taking discoveries, meets mysterious creatures, Chinese princesses, deadly masters of oriental martial arts, and even Lun Van, the King of Dragons, himself. What could be more perilous than looking into the eyes of Viy? Only meeting him again… What will prevail this time — the unflinching scepticism of the scientist or ancient black magic, which has already gained influence over the Far East Lands? Harvie and the Magic Museum Harvie is a smart but a bit too lively boy with one ambition, to finish the last level of his computer game. Once in the Gamers Hall of Fame, his absent-minded father, would finally be proud of him. But finishing the game turns out to be only the start of a real adventure that takes Harvie, his dog Jerry, and his friend Monica deep into the forgotten realms of the citys old puppet museum. Rogue Cell When a contract killer discovers his latest set of targets have supernatural abilities and are connected to the death of his late wife, he goes rogue, turning his targets into a weapon against the corrupt officials that hired him. Investigation 13 A group of science students have discovered how to scientifically explain the paranormal. Their goal is to present their findings to their school board and petition to launch the very first parapsychology credited course at their university. Their thirteenth and final investigation lands them at Black Grove Psychiatric Asylum where they look into the urban legend of, The Mole Man, an ex-patient of the asylum who is thought to live within its walls. Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Power users around the world are suddenly committing suicide one after another, in all cases after a strange fog appears at the scene. At a request from Ango Sakaguchi, the Armed Detective Agency head out to investigate Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, a power user who calls himself “collector, ” and a man suspected of being tied to the incident. Kamen Raidâ Heisei Jenerêshonzu Foebâ In the world of Sougo Tokiwa and Sento Kiryu, their “companions” are losing their memories one after the other as theyre replaced by other people. The Super Time Jacker, Tid, appears before them. He orders his powerful underlings, Another Double and Another Den-O, to pursue a young boy called Shingo. While fighting to protect Shingo, Sougo meets Ataru, a young man who loves Riders, but Ataru says that Kamen Riders arent real. What is the meaning of those words? While the mystery deepens, the true enemy that Sougo and Sento must defeat appears in the Kuriogatake mountain… Steven Universe: The Movie Two years after the events of “Change Your Mind”, Steven (now 16 years old) and his friends are ready to enjoy the rest of their lives peacefully. However, all of that changes when a new sinister Gem arrives, armed with a giant drill that saps the life force of all living things on Earth. In their biggest challenge ever, the Crystal Gems must work together to save all organic life on Earth within 48 hours. Destiny: Kamakura Monogatari Set in an alternate universe, the ancient capital of Kamakura is a vibrant town where fantastical creatures live alongside humans. Akiko is a cheerful publishing assistant who moves into town after marrying Masakazu, a popular mystery writer. Akiko is surprised by the unusual town but enjoys the new curiosities surrounding her. However, just as she was beginning to settle in, a trifling incident sweeps her spirit to the underworld too soon. Convinced that destiny has something else in store for his wife, Masakazu journeys into the underworld to bring back Akikos spirit. Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island A humble and simple Takezo abandons his life as a knight errant. Hes sought as a teacher and vassal by Shogun, Japans most powerful clan leader. Hes also challenged to fight by the supremely confident and skilful Sasaki Kojiro. Takezo agrees to fight Kojiro in a years time but rejects Shoguns patronage, choosing instead to live on the edge of a village, raising vegetables. Hes followed there by Otsu and later by Akemi, both in love with him. The year ends as Takezo assists the villagers against a band of brigands. He seeks Otsus forgiveness and accepts her love, then sets off across the water to Ganryu Island for his final contest. Secrets in the Sky: The Untold Story of Skunk Works In 1943, in a circus tent in Burbank, CA, a bunch of revolutionary thinkers first gathered together in secrecy to build Americas first jet fighter. They were rule benders, chance takers, corner cutters-people who believed that nothing was impossible. I Nisekoi: False Love Raku Ichijo (Kento Nakajima) is an only son and a high school student. His father is the leader of yakuza group Shuei-gumi. Raku Ichijo doesnt like to fight and he studies hard. His dream is to become a public official. One day, he passes the entrance gate at his high school and is kicked inadvertently by Chitoge Kirisaki (Ayami Nakajo. She is a new transfer student at the school. Chitoge Kirisaki is the only daughter of a rival gang leader. To keep the peace between the rival gangs led by their fathers, Raku Ichijo and Chitoge Kirisaki decide to act as boyfriend and girlfriend. –asianwiki Game Changers: Inside the Video Game Wars This is the untold story of the personal battles that gave rise to the multi-billion dollar video game industry. Brought to life by Academy Award winning director Daniel Junge, this documentary is a tale of brilliant innovations, colossal failures, and ego-driven rivalries on a massive scale. It is a 50-year-long, multi-generation epic featuring corporate coups, industrial espionage and the promise of unimaginable riches being just one cartridge away. Told in chronological order and featuring the sons of the brilliant inventor of the first video game console, Ralph Baer, the co-founder of Atari, Nolan Bushnell, and many more experts in the gaming industry, this documentary highlights the programmers, engineers, management and business practices they followed to compete against each other and become the gaming tycoons we know today. Zoku Owarimonogatari The morning after his high school graduation ceremony, Araragi goes to the bathroom to wash his face but is struck by the sensation that his reflection is watching him. Touching the mirror, Araragiis hand passes straight through and he is sucked into a mysterious world. Blood Paradise Reeling after her latest novel flops, best-selling crime writer Robin Richards (Andréa Winter) is sent by her publisher to the Swedish countryside to regain inspiration. There alone, she indeed comes across an assortment of peculiar characters, including her driver and most obsessive fan, his explosively jealous wife, and the progressively more unhinged man who owns the farm thats hosting her. Totally out of place in her new surroundings—for one, she is always dressed for glamorous, big-city life—Robin discovers just how dangerous these oddballs may be. The unpredictable debut feature by Patrick von Barkenberg (who also appears as Robins boyfriend) is bathed in dreamy atmospherics and streaked with offbeat humor, but remains grounded throughout by Winter, who holds your attention rapt. Genre: The Nightmare Gallery An anthropology professors obsession with a paranormal mystery threatens her job, marriage, and sanity as she fights to find a missing student. Against the Wild The action-packed feature film tells the dramatic tale of two siblings and their Alaskan Malamute, who must make an emergency landing when their small plane has engine problems. They find themselves in a beautiful but potentially dangerous natural environment that they must overcome together. Sex Tape When Jay and Annie first got together, their romantic connection was intense – but ten years and two kids later, the flame of their love needs a spark. To kick things up a notch, they decide – why not? – to make a video of themselves trying out every position in The Joy of Sex in one marathon three-hour session. It seems like a great idea – until they discover that their most private video is no longer private. With their reputations on the line, they know theyre just one click away from being laid bare to the world… but as their race to reclaim their video leads to a night theyll never forget, theyll find that their video will expose even more than they bargained for. The Taking of Deborah Logan What starts as a poignant medical documentary about Deborah Logans descent into Alzheimers disease and her daughters struggles as caregiver degenerates into a maddening portrayal of dementia at its most frightening, as hair-raising events begin to plague the family and crew and an unspeakable malevolence threatens to tear the very fabric of sanity from them all. Closed Circuit A terrorist attack in London results in the capture of suspect Farroukh Erdogan (Denis Moschitto. The attorney general appoints Claudia Simmons-Howe (Rebecca Hall) as special advocate on Erdogans legal team. On the eve of the trial, Erdogans lawyer dies, and a new defense attorney, Martin Rose (Eric Bana) steps in. Martin and Claudia are former lovers, a fact which must remain hidden. As Martin assembles his case, he uncovers a sinister conspiracy, placing him and Claudia in danger. Tomorrow When The War Began Ellie Linton, a teen from an Australian coastal town, leads her friends on an excursion to a camp deep in the woods, dubbed “Hell. ” Upon their return, the youths find that their town has been overrun by an enemy army, and their friends and family have been imprisoned. When the hostile invaders become alerted to their presence, Ellie and her friends band together to escape — and strike back against — this mysterious enemy. The Losers A tale of double cross and revenge, centered upon the members of an elite U. S. Special Forces unit sent into the Bolivian jungle on a search and destroy mission. The team-Clay, Jensen, Roque, Pooch and Cougar -find themselves the target of a lethal betrayal instigated from inside by a powerful enemy known only as Max. Presumed dead, the group makes plans to even the score when theyre joined by the mysterious Aisha, a beautiful operative with her own agenda. Working together, they must remain deep undercover while tracking the heavily-guarded Max, a ruthless man bent on embroiling the world in a new high-tech global war. Rosewater In 2009, Iranian Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari was covering Irans volatile elections for Newsweek. One of the few reporters living in the country with access to US media, he made an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, in a taped interview with comedian Jason Jones. The interview was intended as satire, but if the Tehran authorities got the joke they didnt like it – and it would quickly came back to haunt Bahari when he was rousted from his family home and thrown into prison. Making his directorial debut, Jon Stewart tells the tale of Baharis months-long imprisonment and interrogation in this powerful and affecting docudrama featuring a potent and performance by Gael García Bernal recounting Baharis efforts to maintain his hope and his sanity in the face of isolation and persecution-through memories of his family, recollections of the music he loves, and thoughts of his wife and unborn child. Seventh Son John Gregory, who is a seventh son of a seventh son and also the local spook, has protected the country from witches, boggarts, ghouls and all manner of things that go bump in the night. However John is not young anymore, and has been seeking an apprentice to carry on his trade. Most have failed to survive. The last hope is a young farmers son named Thomas Ward. Will he survive the training to become the spook that so many others couldnt? When the Game Stands Tall A young coach turns a losing high school football program around to go undefeated for 12 consecutive seasons.

Gmail Obrázky Přihlásit se Zkontrolujte si ochranu soukromí Zkontrolujte, jestli vám nastavení stále vyhovují Ne, díky Spustit Zkuste Google v jazyce: English Připomenutí od Googlu ohledně ochrany soukromí Připomenout později Přečíst Česko Ochrana soukromí Smluvní podmínky Nastavení Reklama Firma O společnosti Google Jak funguje Vyhledávání. Oversikt og endringer Du finner oversikt over bedriftens forsikringer og forsikringsvilkårene dersom du logger inn. Skal du endre en forsikring må du logge deg inn på bedriften, gå til riktig forsikring og velge "endre forsikring. Du kan også endre kilometerstand eller kjørelengde, melde inn og ut ansatte og melde inn og ut kjøretøy på gruppeforsikring ved å logge inn. Skal du endre bedriftens adresse eller e-postadresse, kan du logge inn og endre opplysningene. Skal du endre telefonnummeret eller e-postadressen din som kontaktperson på bedriften, kan du logge inn og endre opplysningene. Logger du inn, kan du se kundeutbytte, endre kontonummer for utbetaling og laste ned bilag for kundeutbytte. Vil du vite mer om kundeutbytte?  Les mer om kundeutbytte Dokumenter, faktura og betaling Samtykker du til digitale dokumenter, får du alle dokumentene dine samlet på ett sted. Du vil til enhver tid finne dokumentene dine i postkassen. Logger du inn, kan du se oversikt over alle betalingene som er gjennomførte og som ligger til forfall, og du kan laste ned alle betalingsdokumenter. Logger du inn, kan du laste ned forsikringsbekreftelse på ansvarsforsikring, prosjekt årsforsikring eller personalforsikring. Skade, tap eller sykdom Om du ønsker å melde om skade, tap eller sykdom på vegne av bedriften du er ansatt i, får du raskest behandling av saken ved å melde på nett. Mer om skademelding Logger du inn, kan du se status på skadesaken, laste opp dokumenter, se innsendte vedlegg og sende melding direkte til kundebehandler på saken. Har du behandlingsforsikring gjennom arbeidsgiver kan du melde skaden raskt og enkelt på nett.

A very impressive film, and in my opinion the most emotionally disturbing film about Nazi war crimes during WW2. There is no moment of relief from the horrors of the war, no concessions where made as to ease the shock the viewer finds himself in throughout the whole movie. There is no greasy Hollywood sentimentality in this movie, it is even less propagandistic than your average Holocaust/War Blockbuster such as Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan etc. [There are though some maybe somewhat unfair scenes, when the Waffen-SS soldiers start playing a Bavarian yodl-song when the killing of the inhabitants of the village starts. That is going too far.] All in all, a movie definitely worth watching, but hard to take. Foursquare en iyi kullanıcı deneyimini yaşatmak, görebileceğiniz reklamları kişiselleştirmek ve reklam verenlerin reklam kampanyalarının sonuçlarını ölçebilmelerine yardımcı olmak için çerezler kullanmaktadır. Sitemizi kullanmaya devam ettiğiniz takdirde, gizlilik politikamız ve çerez politikamız içinde açıklanan çerez kullanımını kabul etmiş olursunuz. X.

Det er ikke uden grund, at vi kalder os Danmarks destination for erhverv, events, kunst og store oplevelser. I Herning og Ikast-Brande er der en masse at se og opleve – også hvis dit besøg ikke handler om et konkret event i Jyske Bank Boxen eller et af de andre spillesteder. Vi byder nemlig på et væld af attraktioner og aktiviteter, der indbyder til sjove oplevelser på egen hånd eller for hele familien. Tag på tur til et af de mange naturskønne områder og benyt dig af de udendørs aktiviteter som smukke gå- og løberuter, mountainbikebaner, naturlegepladser, fiskeri, kanoture og golf. Eller få kulturelle oplevelser og se verdenskendt kunst i det offentlige rum. Er vejret ikke til en tur ud i det blå, findes der mange muligheder for indendørs aktiviteter og forlystelser i et af områdets sjove vandland og indendørs forlystelsescentre. Find inspiration til din næste oplevelse og læs meget mere om alle mulighederne her på siden. Eller gå direkte til aktivitetskalenderen  her.

Arrangementer i dag feb. Kunstplass Contemporary Art, Akersgata 1–5 Oslo Kongressenter, Folkets hus, Youngs gate 21 18:00, Norsk teknisk museum, Kjelsåsveien 143. Gå og Stå-arkiv - Swereco Webshop Norge Vi benytter informasjonskapsler (cookies) for å gi deg en best mulig brukeropplevelse. Ved å bruke siden, godkjenner du dette i henhold til vår personvernerklæring. Lukk Les mer. Se også Se og Hør (Danmark) Se og Hør Land Norge Type Ukeblad Format Kjendisjournalistikk Grunnlagt 21. september 1978 Pris 30-40 NOK Eiere Allergruppen Redaktør(er) Ulf André Andersen Språk Norsk Opplag 97 148 (hovedutg. 32 973 (extrautg. 2018) Hovedkvarter Karvesvingen 1 i Oslo. Nettsted Se og Hør er et av Norges største ukeblader. [1] Bladet har overveiende bildestoff og en TV-guide som omfatter 90 kanaler. Bladet er først og fremst basert på kjendisjournalistikk. [2] Se og Hør var på 1990-tallet Nordens største ukeblad. [3] I 2002 var opplaget på 424 687 eksemplarer. Fra 2003 kom bladet ut med to nummer i uka. Tirsdagsutgaven hadde i 2011 et opplag på vel 178 000, helgeutgaven (fredag) om lag 109 000. [4] Se og Hør utgis av Aller Media AS som er en del av det nordiske Allerkonsernet. Historie [ rediger, rediger kilde] Utgivelsen ble startet av Allers Familie-Journal A/S i Oslo i 1978 med Knut Haavik (1943-2019) som sjefredaktør med det danske Se og Hør som forbilde. Haavik publiserte det første norske Se og Hør den 21. september 1978 og var sjefredaktør for bladet til sin avgang i 2004. I september 2003 kom Se og Hør ut med to utgivelser i uken og er i dag fortsatt det eneste ukebladet som kommer ut to ganger i uken (tirsdag og fredag. Bladet blir i dag utgitt av Aller Media AS. Odd Johan Nelvik overtok etter Haavik i 2004 etter å ha samarbeidet med Haavik siden starten av bladet. Høsten 2008 ble tidligere sjefredaktør Harald Haave varslet om forfremmelse fra assisterende redaktør til offisiell sjefredaktør etter en periode som assisterende sjefredaktør. [5] Nelvik gikk over i en konsulentstilling i Se og Hør. Høsten 2012 overtok Ellen Arnstad som sjefredaktør. [6] Hun sluttet i januar 2017, og ble avløst av Ulf André Andersen. I 2003 søkte forlaget om momsfritak. [7] Sommeren 2012 ble Se og Hør tilgjengelig på IPad via App Store. [8] rediger, rediger kilde] Bladet har hovedkontor i Stenersgate 2 i Oslo Nettstedet for Se og Hør er, som ble lansert 19. mai 2006 og publiseres av Aller Media. presenterer som printutgaven hovedsakelig stoff om norske og internasjonale kjendiser og kongelige. Antall unike brukere ligger mellom 60 000 og 70 000 pr uke i 2017. [9] Antall sidevisninger ligger på rundt 260 000 i uken i 2017 [9. Nettstedets redaktører har vært Per Tandberg i 2006, Erik Nodland fra 2007-2009 og David Stenerud fra 2009-2012. Da overtok Arve Vassbotten, som var redaksjonssjef for nettredaksjonen frem til mars 2015. Han ble etterfulgt av Jonas Jørstad [10] som tiltrådte stillingen som redaktør. Jørstad, som har jobbet i Se og Hør siden 1996, er i dag [ når. redaktør for en kjendisdesk bestående av redaksjonene fra og Dagbladets kjendisredaksjon. 11] Bidrag for oppklaring av justismord [ rediger, rediger kilde] Etter frikjennelsen i Liland-saken inngikk Se og Hør en avtale med privatetterforsker Tore Sandberg om at bladet ville finansiere Sandbergs arbeid med oppklaring av flere justismord mot at bladet fikk førsteretten til hans historier. Sandberg har etter dette bidratt til oppklaring av syv justismord der hans arbeid er finansiert av bladet, hvorav den mest kjente saken er oppklaringen av det doble justismordet på Fritz Moen. Etter denne oppklaringen uttalte Tore Sandberg til NRK: «Uten Se og Hør-finansieringen ville Fritz Moen gått i graven som dobbelt drapsmann, stigmatisert som en forferdelig seksualforbryter. » [12] I samme intervju uttaler Sandberg videre at Se og Hør er den eneste norske mediebedrift som finansierer oppklaring av justismord. Rettssaker og fellelser i PFU [ rediger, rediger kilde] Særlig Knut Haavik er blitt kritisert for sin og Se og Hør s pågående journalistikk mot norske kjendiser. Dette har ført til sju, åtte rettssaker der bladet har blitt anklaget for å krenke privatlivets fred. trenger referanse] I ettertid sier Haavik selv om sin metode at «jeg tok et ja for et ja, og et nei for et kanskje». [13] Per mai 2016 har bladet blitt felt av Pressens Faglige Utvalg (PFU) 18 ganger av totalt 36 klager siden 1991 samt en sak som omhandlet kritikk, som er en mildere form for fellelse. [14] Bilder av Maud Angelica [ rediger, rediger kilde] Prinsesse Märtha Louise og hennes mann Ari Behn klaget i 2006 ukebladet inn for Pressens Faglige Utvalg (PFU. De klagde på at bladet trykket en reportasje som het «Maud Angelica (2) følger i mammas fotspor». Reportasjen sto på trykk 7. februar 2006 og hadde bilder av deres datter Maud Angelica på ridetime. Utvalget skriver følgende i sin endelige konklusjon: «Likevel vil utvalget understreke viktigheten av å vise respekt for menneskers rett til privatliv slik det er nedfelt i Vær Varsom-punkt 4. 3. I den forbindelse påhviler det redaksjonene å vurdere nøye om eksponeringen av en situasjon som kan oppfattes som privat, har en nyhets- eller samfunnmessig betydning som legitimerer oppslaget. I vurderingen av dette er det også viktig at redaksjonene tilstreber samtykke til eksponering og lytter til de innvendinger som kommer fra barns foresatte. På dette punkt har Se og Hør opptrådt kritikkverdig. » [15] Julebukker [ rediger, rediger kilde] Assisterende sjefredaktør Harald Haave og Se og Hør ble i 2005 kritisert av flere kjente personer etter et oppslag i ukebladet hvor tre barn ble sendt ut som julebukker for å teste kjendisers giverlyst. Personene ble fotografert i smug, og samtalene med barna ble gjengitt i ukebladet. Skuespiller Anne Ryg, som var en dem som ble fotografert, klaget Se og Hør inn for Pressens Faglige Utvalg på bakgrunn av oppslaget og fikk medhold i at Haave og Se og Hør hadde brutt god presseskikk. [16] Snikbilder fra bryllup [ rediger, rediger kilde] Se og Hør, journalist Anders Johan Stavseng og fotograf Morten Krogh ble høsten 2006 saksøkt etter at Lars Lillo-Stenberg og hans kone Andrine Sæther anmeldte Se og Hør for brudd på privatlivets fred i forbindelse med at bladet tok bilder av parets vielse og trykket disse. Den 23. november fastslo Oslo tingrett at bladet hadde krenket privatlivets fred og tilkjente paret tilsammen 150 000 kroner i erstatning. Paret ble også tilkjent saksomkostninger. [17] Dommen ble anket til Borgarting lagmannsrett av Se og Hør. Også her fikk paret medhold og ble tilkjent samme erstatning som i tingretten. [18] Se og Hør anket dommen inn for Høyesterett og ble her frifunnet. [19] Bøker om Se og Hør [ rediger, rediger kilde] I 1995 kom den første boken om Se og Hør. Journalisten Arild Aspøy ga ut boka Kjæresten fridde på dopapir: Se og Hør og kampen om privatlivet, hvor han blant annet avslørte at Se og Hør hadde hatt en betalt informant i klassen til kronprins Haakon på Kristelig Gymnasium. [20] Han viste også flere tilfeller av betaling til kjendiser for å få adgang til deres privatliv. Et av hovedpoengene i boken er at bladet bruker svært avanserte metoder, som vanligvis bare blir godtatt i journalistikk omkring temaer som gjelder saker av alvorlig samfunnsmessig betydning. trenger referanse] I 2007 utgav Håvard Melnæs boka En helt vanlig dag på jobben der han fortalte om sin tid som aktiv reporter i Se og Hør og kjendisenes forhold til bladet. Han var samtidig kritisk til sine egne og redaksjonens tøffe arbeidsmetoder og til underholdnings - og sensasjonsjournalistikken i Se og Hør. Melnæs skrev særlig om bladets behandling og omtale av Sven O. Høiby, konprinsesse Mette Marits far. Særlig ett kapittel i boka, «Mette Marit gråter» fikk stor oppmerksomhet i media. trenger referanse] Journalist Thomas Olsen og en frilansfotograf ble skjelt ut av den kommende kronprinsessen. Kapittelet skapte stor debatt om arbeidsmetoder. Journalist Olsen rykket ut etter bokutgivelsen og beklaget at Mette-Marit følte seg så forfulgt at hun tok til tårene, og han uttalte at han angret på fremgangsmåten. trenger referanse] Utgivelsen og forfatteren fikk stor oppmerksomhet i mediene da boka kom ut. trenger referanse] Høsten samme år gav også journalisten Arne O. Holm ut faktaboka Ja, vi elsker Se og Hør der han etter å ha lest elleve årganger av ukebladet konkluderte med at det har vært flere skjebnehistorier som omhandler helt alminnelige mennesker, enn kjendisreportasjer i bladet. Han påpekte også at mange av sakene i Se og Hør har gått videre til tabloidavisene. Av norske kjendiser som har fått ekstra mye oppmerksomhet i bladet, nevnte Holm TV-personlighetene Frithjof Wilborn, Marit Christensen, Dan Børge Akerø og Alf Tande-Petersen samt artistene Jahn Teigen, Rune Rudberg og Mia Gundersen. [21] I 2008 ble bladet sammenlignet med VG av de to medieforskerne Johann Roppen og Idar Andre Flo. Konklusjonen var at de to publikasjonene blir stadig likere. [22] Ansvarlig redaktør [ rediger, rediger kilde] Sjefredaktører Navn Start år Slutt år Knut Haavik 1978 2003 Odd Johan Nelvik 2008 Harald Haave 2012 Ellen Arnstad 2017 Ulf André Andersen [23] — I 2016 ble Jonas Jørstad redaktør for og. [24] Opplag [ rediger, rediger kilde] Bekreftede netto opplagstall fra Mediebedriftenes Landsforening de siste årene: 25] 4] Hovedutgaven [ rediger, rediger kilde] 2003: 303 177 2004: 288 510 2005: 269 521 2006: 267 251 2007: 235 695 2008: 214 104 2009: 198 794 2010: 191 197 2011: 178 051 2012: 157 379 2013: 146 064 2014: 125 636 2015: 115 191 2016: 109 444 2017: 101 046 2018: 97 148 2003: 214 063 2004: 175 443 2005: 183 100 2006: 185 897 2007: 175 517 2008: 164 782 2009: 150 310 2010: 130 335 2011: 108 886 2012: 79 727 2013: 74 060 2014: 56 088 2015: 45 084 2016: 41 037 2017: 38 150 2018: 32 973 Referanser [ rediger, rediger kilde] Eksterne lenker [ rediger, rediger kilde] – Nettutgave Klager mot Se og Hør i Pressens faglige utvalg [ død lenke.







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6,7 / 10; Genre=War; Todd Robinson; Thirty-four years after his death, Airman William H. Pitsenbarger, Jr. ("Pits") is awarded the nation's highest military honor, for his actions on the battlefield; Release year=2019. Balls like church bells! 🔔🔔. 0:15 Oh I'm sorry, did i break your concentration. Hoosiers reboot. He can he barely talk in this. Can somebody tell me the sound track. I'm gonna patiently wait for it. I hat it.

Thankyou Rusty, couple of good lookin' roosters in this 😘. Clickbait I thought it was Mcgregor story😎.


Ben came a long way. He earned all of his fans. 2019: Two popes 2020: Three christs 2021: four priests 2022: big bang theory the movie.

The 1st one reminded of the game Prototype

Waiting for you buddy. amazing

The new mighty ducks movie is dark. 2:20 pew pew pew pew This is getting irritating. BRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTT. This usaf viet vet reminds everyone that hollywood is in show BUSINESS. not historical accuracy. details are not often linear! screen treatments and plot lines usually are. these history bsed movies are entertainment and not journalism. they are poems and songs that often pay loving tribute to the subject.

Is the Sonic movie about Sonic or Jim Carrey

Got a feeling I'm going to cry on this on.
Who decided Jungle Cruise was an action movie? Why are there movies already released in 2019 on this list? So much for current news.

04:15 damnnnnn Will Smith never get old. I'm waiting for 3 Satans.




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Lost in America Theatrical release poster Directed by Albert Brooks Produced by Marty Katz Written by Albert Brooks Monica Johnson Starring Albert Brooks Julie Hagerty Music by Arthur B. Rubinstein Cinematography Eric Saarinen Edited by David Finfer Production company The Geffen Company Distributed by Warner Bros. Release date March 15, 1985 (U. S. ) Running time 91 minutes Country United States Language English Box office 10, 179, 000 Lost in America is a 1985 satirical road comedy film directed by Albert Brooks and co-written by Brooks with Monica Johnson. The film stars Brooks alongside Julie Hagerty as a married couple who decide to quit their jobs and travel across America. Plot [ edit] David and Linda Howard are typical 1980s yuppies in California who are fed up with their lifestyle. He works in an advertising agency and she for a department store. But after he fails to receive a promotion he was counting on and is instead asked to transfer to the firm's New York office, David angrily insults his boss and is fired. He coaxes his wife to quit her job as well and seek a new adventure. The Howards decide to sell their house, liquidate their assets, drop out of society, like in Easy Rider. and travel the country in a Winnebago recreational vehicle. They leave L. A. with a "nest egg" of a hundred thousand dollars but do not get very far. The plan goes awry when Linda loses all their savings playing roulette at the Desert Inn Casino in Las Vegas, where a desperate David tries in vain to persuade a casino manager to give the money back as a publicity gimmick. With nowhere to go, the couple quarrels at Hoover Dam, then ends up in Safford, Arizona. David unsuccessfully applies for a delivery job at a local pharmacy and resorts to an employment agency. After a counselor obnoxiously reminds him that he was fired from his high-paying job in advertising, David accepts the best position available — as a crossing guard, taunted by local school kids. Linda, meanwhile, finds employment as the assistant manager at the local Der Wienerschnitzel, working under a kid half her age. Only a few days after beginning their pursuit of the dream of dropping out of society, David and Linda are living in a trailer park, almost broke, working dead end jobs and accountable to brats. They decide that it is better to get back to their old lifestyle as soon as possible. They point the Winnebago toward New York, where David begs for his old job back. Cast [ edit] Albert Brooks as David Howard Julie Hagerty as Linda Howard Maggie Roswell as Patty Michael Greene as Paul Dunn Garry Marshall as Casino Manager Donald Gibb as Ex-Convict Charles Boswell as Highway Patrolman Brooks originally did not want to direct himself and had wanted Bill Murray for the part of David Howard. [1] Reception and awards [ edit] Lost In America received mostly positive reviews from critics and holds a 97% rating on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, based on 32 reviews, with the consensus; A satire of the American fantasy of leaving it all behind, Lost in America features some of Albert Brooks' best, most consistent writing and cultural jabs. 2] The film was a commercial success, though not a blockbuster. The film's script won the National Society of Film Critics award for Best Screenplay. The film is number 80 on Bravo's "100 Funniest Movies. It is recognized by American Film Institute on these lists: 2000: AFI's 100 Years. 100 Laughs – #84 [3] Home media [ edit] Warner Home Video initially released the film onto VHS and Laserdisc in 1985 and reissued it twice on video, in 1991 and 1997. The film made its DVD debut on April 3, 2001, and was made available for streaming on Netflix on July 1, 2016. Criterion released this on Blu-Ray on July 25, 2017. References [ edit] External links [ edit] Lost in America on IMDb Lost in America at Rotten Tomatoes Lost in America at Box Office Mojo Lost in America: The 100, 000 Box an essay by Scott Tobias at the Criterion Collection.

User Score Play Trailer Overview David and Linda Howard are successful yuppies from LA. When he gets a job disappointment, David convinces Linda that they should quit their jobs, liquidate their assets, and emulate the movie Easy Rider, spending the rest of their lives traveling around a Winnebago. Featured Crew Albert Brooks Director, Writer Monica Mcgowan Johnson Writer You need to be logged in to continue. Click here to login or here to sign up. Global s focus the search bar p open profile menu esc close an open window? open keyboard shortcut window On media pages b go back (or to parent when applicable) e go to edit page On TV season pages → (right arrow) go to next season ← (left arrow) go to previous season On TV episode pages → (right arrow) go to next episode ← (left arrow) go to previous episode On all image pages a open add image window On all edit pages t open translation selector ctrl + s submit form On discussion pages n create new discussion w toggle watching status p toggle public/private c toggle close/open a open activity r reply to discussion l go to last reply ctrl + enter submit your message → (right arrow) next page ← (left arrow) previous page.

Lost In America Lost In America - one of the best comedy movies, I ever seen. The best movie online? This is an answer that has changed many times in my life and probably will change many more times. But at this moment it is Lost In America Lost In America is a long movie, with the space and leisure to expand and explore its themes. I'm big fan of comedy movies. There is not a single thing wrong with that movie. It sets the 10/10 standard for every other movies in existence for me. The amount of details and little aspects of the movie that you can find years and years later is absolutely amazing. I need to watch these movie online again. It was so good! I decided to add this full movie to the internet, so now this movie will be available online free for all. Quality: HD Release: 1985 IMDb: 7, 2 Duration: 91 min Views: 22.

PRESS PLAY TO VIEW TRAILER Its tragic that in the worlds wealthiest country, 4. 2 million teenagers are homeless. To make change, the public needs to know not just numbers, but faces and stories behind those numbers. ‘Lost In America is doing just that. Don't judge, don't think these kids are bad. Fill in your definition of bad. Don't think they are bad, they are in circumstances. And they need our help. There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.

Photo: Everett Collection Latest on Lost in America Getting older is life's great folly, and most of us are incapable of doing so gracefully. Theres a kind of terrifyingly accurate specificity to Baumbachs bohemia. Spider-Man, Jigsaw, Florence Foster Jenkins, some bad boys, and a pair of difficult people arrive on Hulu this August. The beginning of a new month means a TON of awesome titles are hitting your favorite platforms this weekend. Here are all the new titles arriving on Hulu in June! More From Decider.

Lost in america download movie now. Lost in america download movie full. Lost in america download movie torrent. Lost in america download movie 2016. Lost in america download movie download. In this hysterical satire of Reagan-era values, written and directed by Albert Brooks, a successful Los Angeles advertising executive (Brooks) and his wife (Julie Hagerty) decide to quit their jobs, buy a Winnebago, and follow their Easy Rider fantasies of freedom and the open road. When a stop in Las Vegas nearly derails their plans, theyre forced to come to terms with their own limitations and those of the American dream. Brookss barbed wit and confident direction drive Lost in America, an iconic example of his restless comedies about insecure characters searching for satisfaction in the modern world that established his unique comic voice and transformed the art of observational humor. Special Features New, restored 2K digital transfer, supervised by director Albert Brooks, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray New conversation with Brooks and filmmaker Robert Weide New interviews with actor Julie Hagerty, executive producer Herb Nanas, and filmmaker and screenwriter James L. Brooks Trailer PLUS: An essay by critic Scott Tobias New cover by F. Ron Miller based on an original theatrical poster Cast & Credits Albert Brooks David Howard Julie Hagerty Linda Howard Michael Greene Paul Dunn Garry K. Marshall Casino manager Maggie Roswell Patty Tom Tarpey Brad Tooley Ernie Brown Pharmacist Joey Coleman Skippy Art Frankel Employment agent Donald Gibb Ex-convict Raynold Gideon Ray Charles Boswell Highway patrolman Michael Cornelison Hotel clerk Radu Gavor Bellman Herb Nanas Mercedes driver Director Written by Monica Johnson Producer Marty Katz Executive producer Director of photography Eric Saarinen Editor David Finfer Production design Richard Sawyer Sound Bill Nelson Music by Arthur B. Rubinstein Casting Barbara Claman Set decorator Richard Goddard Costumes Julie Glick Makeup Rick Sharp Hair Ramsey Still photographer Bruce Birmelin A scene from Lost in America Lost in America with Albert Brooks One of the wittiest chroniclers of modern American life, Albert Brooks talks with filmmaker Robert Weide about how he arrived at the concept for Lost in America. Also: a few words from James L. Brooks. Lost in America: The 100, 000 Box Albert Brooks brings the gift for comic deconstruction he honed in his stand-up career to this uproarious satire of baby boomer values.


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Alexis Manenti. Rating 4533 votes. Brigadier Stéphane Ruiz is a young and light-heartened cop who moves to Paris to be closer of his little son after the divorce of his wife. Working in the impoverished suburb of Montfermeil, in the 93th district, where Victor Hugo wrote his famous 1862's novel "The Miserables", Ruiz joins the local Anti-Crime Brigade, being paired with veterans but unscrupulous colleagues Chris and Gwada, who are charged with the task to train Ruiz about the way Montfermeil's works and the people to meet. However, his first day in Montfermeil twists in bad way when the owner of a circus and his men meet where drug-lord Le Maire ("The Mayor") claiming for a stolen baby lion a few hours ago, blaming him by the theft. Avoiding a fight between Le Maire and circus' owner, the three cops patrol the hood looking for the animal, learning that a troubled kid named Issa is the thief, who stolen to have it as pet. But when Ruiz, Chris and Gwada locate Issa to recover the baby lion, Issa's friends attempt to liberate him from the cops. With the situation out of control, Gwada shots a rubber ball just when Issa tried to escape and hits him in the face, just in the moment that all they realize that a drone of a boy named Buzz recorded all the incident. Patrolling around, Chris and Gwada locate Buzz and start a prosecution to catch him after to learn that drone's card is gone. Hiding in a downstairs, Buzz escapes from Chris and runs to ask refuge to Salah, a Kebab's owner and leader of the each time more powerful Muslim brotherhood in the hood. While Issa's friends run to advise Le Maire about the drone and the record, Ruiz, Chris and Gwada moves where Le Pince ("The Clamp"), a bar's owner in addition to Le Maire's rival and Chris' partner in business, looking for help, at the same time that Ruiz goes to a pharmacy to heal Issa's hurts. But when a confident alerts about Buzz's location, Le Maire, the cops and Le Pince meet at the same time at Salah's local claiming by the card, not measuring the consequences of their acts. genres Crime. Release year 2019.

ロンドンはニューヨークと並ぶミュージカルのメッカ.そんなロンドンで定番のおすすめミュージカルといったら『レ・ミゼラブル』(Les Misérables) です.ニューヨークのブロードウェイに当たるロンドンの劇場街ウエストエンドのミュージカルで最長上演記録を誇るロングランの名作がヴィクトル・ユーゴー原作19世紀前半のフランスを舞台にした『レミゼラブル』です.『レミゼラブル』はリバイバルも含めこれまでニューヨークのブロードウェイでも公演されていたこともありますが2016年以来上演されておらずロンドンならではのミュージカルとなっています.ニューヨークとはまた少し雰囲気の違ったロンドンの劇場で楽しむミュージカルも素晴らしかったです. ニューヨークへやって来たら是非体験したいものの一つが ブロードウェイミュージカル ですがロンドンもミュージカルの本場の一つです.ブロードウェイとロンドンのウエストエンドのミュージカルはどちらも英語ということもあり例えばオペラ座の怪人やライオンキングなど両都市で公演されているミュージカルがたくさんあります.そんな中お馴染みの作品で現在ロンドンのみで上演されているのがレミゼラブルとマンマミーアです.どちらもニューヨークでも鑑賞したことがある名作ですが今回のロンドン旅行では今年の7月でオリジナル版の終了が予定されている『レミゼラブル』を見てきました. ロンドンでレミゼラブルがスタートしたのはなんと1985年のことです.その後2004年にクイーンズ劇場 (Queens Theatre) に移動し現在も公演が続くウエストエンド史上最長記録を更新中の人気ミュージカルです. 劇場ではそんなレミゼラブルのキャラクターグッズも色々と販売されていて劇場内にはレミゼラブルに登場した歴代の俳優などレミゼラブルの長い歴史を伝える展示がされています. 『レミゼラブル』は1862年に発行された19世紀フランスの著名な小説家ヴィクトル・ユーゴーの作品です.ヴィクトル・ユーゴーは19世紀中頃の パリのノートルダム大聖堂 の再建のきっかけをつくったことでも知られる影響力ある作家です.当時の時代背景はフランス革命以来18世紀中頃にかけての度重なる政治体制の変化で混乱していた時代でレミゼラブルはナポレオン帝政が崩壊し王政が復活した1815年から王政に反対する共和制を支持する人々が起こした1832年の6月暴動 (June Rebellion) の頃にかけてのお話です. レミゼラブルは一人の男性の不条理な人生を追った壮大なストーリー展開のお話です.是非ミュージカルの舞台を見て登場人物たちのそれぞれの思いを感じながら楽しんで欲しい物語です.簡単なあらすじだけ紹介しておきます. 主人公はお腹を空かせた子供たちのためにたった一本のパンを盗んだことで逮捕されてしまったジャン・ヴァルジャンです.パンの盗みに加え脱獄を試みた罪も加わり19年もの長い間刑に服した末仮釈放されます.その後社会に出ていこうとしても犯罪者としての世間の目は冷たく絶望のどん底に.そんなときヴァルジャンは教会の司教により救われます.温かい食事を与えてもらったにも関わらずヴァルジャンは銀の食器を盗んで逃げ捕まってしまうのですが司教はそんなヴァルジャンをかばい食器は与えたものだと言いさらに追加で豪華な銀の燭台も差し出しヴァルジャンに手渡します.ヴァルジャンは司教の思いに心打たれ正しい人間になることを決意し名前や過去などそれまでの自分を捨て去り別人のように新しい人生を歩んでいくことを決意します.その後工場の経営者になりまた市長にもなり順風満帆に暮らしていたヴァルジャンはかつて工場で働いていて病に倒れたシングルマザーのファンテーヌに娘コゼットの面倒をみることを約束し自分の娘のように大切にします.レミゼラブルのポスターに登場する女の子がこの娘コゼットです.その後ヴァルジャンとヴァルジャンを執拗に追いかける警官ジャヴェールコゼットとコゼットに恋するマリユスという青年を中心に様々なドラマが繰り広げられていきます.そしてレミゼラブルの見せ場となるのが反政府組織による6月暴動の戦いです. 不条理な社会やルール時代に翻弄されることがあっても愛と思いやりの心は必ず人に伝わるものでありそれは人生を良い方へ導いてくれるものだというメッセージが伝わってくる心温まるお話です. 迫力ある演技でしたがこちらがその一端でロンドンで現在上演されているレミゼラブルのオリジナル版の予告編です. レミゼラブルのミュージカルの公演が行われているクイーンズ劇場 (Queens Theatre) は1907年オープンの歴史ある劇場で美しいシャンデリアと豪華な内装が印象的な豪華な雰囲気の劇場です. 開演前や休憩時にはドリンクを楽しむ人もいっぱいです.劇場ではヨーロッパらしく優雅なソファもあります. レミゼラブルをはじめロンドンのミュージカルやオペラのディスカウントチケットはニューヨークでもおなじみの TodayTix で購入することができます.ロンドンではチケットは劇場の窓口で受け取ることができます. ウエストエンドで30年以上続いて来たレミゼラブルのオリジナル版の公演は今年で終了となってしまいます Theatre での公演は7月13日で終了となってしまいます.その後12月からは2009年製作のリバイバル版の公演で再スタートとなります. ロンドンで12月から公演されるレミゼラブルはブロードウェイで2014年から2016年にかけて上演されていたものでロンドンの2009年のリバイバル版となります.そのトレイラーをこちらでご覧いただけます. 7月から12月の間の期間は場所をGielgud Theatre に移し歴代のスターが登場する All-Star Staged Concert が開催されます. 2012年にはレミゼラブルの映画も公開されています.レミゼラブルは少し難しい内容なので初めて見る人はミュージカルの前に映画を見てみるのもいいと思います. レミゼラブル ミュージカル ロンドン Les Misérables Musical London QUEENS THEATRE Shaftesbury Ave, London, W1D 6BA, 公演日時: 月・火・木・金 7:30PM 水・土 2:30PM, 7:30PM 日 休演 日本でも人気の 『レ・ミゼラブル』 ですが本場ロンドンのミュージカル『レ・ミゼラブル』も是非おすすめしたいです. ロンドンの見逃せないおすすめ観光スポットこちら! ロンドン観光おすすめ人気スポット ミュージアム イギリス王室スポット こんなにあった国際都市の楽しい見どころ徹底紹介!.

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( 818) 2時間37分 2013 13+ 19世紀のフランスを舞台にした本作は果たせぬ夢報われぬ恋情熱犠牲そして贖罪という心奪われる物語を描き出す.これは時代を超えて生き続ける人間の魂の証しなのだ.ジャックマン演じる囚人ジャン・バルジャンは仮出獄後に逃亡しそれ以来何十年もの間無慈悲な警部ジャベール(クロウ)の執拗な追跡を受けていた.そんな折バルジャンは工場労働者ファンテーヌ(ハサウェイ)の幼い娘コゼットの面倒を見ることを約束する.だがその約束が彼らの人生を永遠に変えてしまうのだった. レンタル期間は30 日間で一度視聴を開始すると48 時間でレンタル期間が終了します. プライム会員の方は追加料金なしで視聴できます 上記ボタンによる注文確定または視聴により 利用規約 に同意したものとみなされます.販売者: Sales, Inc., 提供 NBC Universal オーディオ言語 English 購入権 すぐにストリーミング再生 詳細 フォーマット Prime Video(オンラインビデオをストリーミング再生) デバイス サポートされているデバイス で視聴できます.

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Les misÃrables Movie stream of consciousness. Won 3 Oscars. Another 84 wins & 173 nominations. See more awards  » Learn more More Like This Biography, Drama Romance 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 1 / 10 X A fictitious love story loosely inspired by the lives of Danish artists Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener. Lili and Gerda's marriage and work evolve as they navigate Lili's groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer. Director: Tom Hooper Stars: Eddie Redmayne, Alicia Vikander, Amber Heard Comedy Music 8 / 10 While navigating their careers in Los Angeles, a pianist and an actress fall in love while attempting to reconcile their aspirations for the future. Damien Chazelle Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Rosemarie DeWitt Musical 7. 2 / 10 Good girl Sandy and greaser Danny fell in love over the summer. When they unexpectedly discover they're now in the same high school, will they be able to rekindle their romance? Randal Kleiser John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing James Marsh Felicity Jones, Tom Prior 6. 4 / 10 The story of a bride-to-be trying to find her real father told using hit songs by the popular 1970s group ABBA. Phyllida Lloyd Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Amanda Seyfried A writer and wall street trader, Nick, finds himself drawn to the past and lifestyle of his millionaire neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Baz Luhrmann Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton 7. 6 / 10 Celebrates the birth of show business and tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation. Michael Gracey Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, Zac Efron 7. 8 / 10 A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R. M. S. Titanic. James Cameron Kate Winslet, Billy Zane History The story of King George VI, his impromptu ascension to the throne of the British Empire in 1936, and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch overcome his stammer. Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter Thriller During World War II, the English mathematical genius Alan Turing tries to crack the German Enigma code with help from fellow mathematicians. Morten Tyldum Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode Beca, a freshman at Barden University, is cajoled into joining The Bellas, her school's all-girls singing group. Injecting some much needed energy into their repertoire, The Bellas take on their male rivals in a campus competition. Jason Moore Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow, Rebel Wilson 7. 7 / 10 A musician helps a young singer find fame as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral. Bradley Cooper Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Sam Elliott Edit Storyline Jean Valjean, known as Prisoner 24601, is released from prison and breaks parole to create a new life for himself while evading the grip of the persistent Inspector Javert. Set in post-revolutionary France, the story reaches resolution against the background of the June Rebellion. Written by Anonymous Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Taglines: The Dream Lives This Christmas See more  » Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated PG-13 for suggestive and sexual material, violence and thematic elements See all certifications  » Details Release Date: 25 December 2012 (USA) Box Office Budget: 61, 000, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: 27, 281, 735, 30 December 2012 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 441, 809, 770 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Goofs During "The Robbery" Thénardier speaks to Javert and grows nearer and nearer to his face. The shot changes, however, and shows Javert at a different angle, moving closer to Thénardier. See more » Quotes [ first lines] Jean Valjean: Look down, look down, don't look them in the eye. Chain Gang: Look down, look down, you're here until you die. See more » Crazy Credits The first six seconds of the Universal Pictures logo are cut out, fading in when the studio's name starts to fly over the globe. See more » Frequently Asked Questions See more ».

Les misÃrables Movie stream online. Les miserables movie stream hd. Les misérables Movie stream. Stream les miserables full movie online 123. Les misÃrables Movie stream new albums. Les misérables Movie streaming. AWARDS REVIEWS INTRODUCTION 「レ・ミゼラブル」の舞台となった街で今なお繰り返される悲劇の連鎖. 現代社会の闇をリアルに描く衝撃の問題作!! 世界各地で暴動やデモが頻発している昨今もはや日本も他人事ではいられない時代を迎えている.“引き金”となるのは人々のなかに生まれる社会や政治に対する鬱屈した感情.そんな現代が抱える闇をリアルに描きまさに「世界の縮図」ともいえる衝撃作が誕生した.海外主要メディアからの高い評価を引っ提げてついに日本での公開を迎える. 犯罪防止班に新たに配属された警官のステファンと同僚たちがある少年の引き起こした些細な事件をきっかけにやがて取り返しのつかない事態へと陥っていく様を緊張感あふれる描写で描いた本作.第72回カンヌ国際映画祭でセンセーションを巻き起こすと「コンペ最大のショック!」「クロワゼットを震撼させた未確認物体!」と称賛を受けポン・ジュノ監督の『パラサイト 半地下の家族』と並んでパルムドールを競い審査員賞に輝いた.各国の映画祭でも数々の賞を獲得し第92回アカデミー賞国際長編映画賞(旧名称:外国語映画賞)ではフランス代表にも選出ゴールデン・グローブ賞の外国語映画賞にもノミネートされている. 舞台となるのはヴィクトル・ユゴーの傑作「レ・ミゼラブル」で知られているモンフェルメイユ.現在はパリ郊外の犯罪多発地区の一部とされており我々が思い描く“花の都”パリのイメージはそこには存在しない.あるのは権力者によって抑圧されている弱者と社会で居場所を失った人々の姿.まさに“ミゼラブル(悲惨)”な世界の現状を反映しているといえる. 監督・脚本を務めたのは本作が初長編作品となるフランスの新鋭ラジ・リ監督.モンフェルメイユで生まれ育ち現在もその地に暮らす監督自身の体験を基に現代社会に潜む問題を圧倒的な緊迫感とスタイリッシュな映像で見事に描き切っている.スパイク・リーもアメリカにおけるプロモーションのサポートを買って出るほどその才能を認めており今後の映画界において目が離せない存在となることは間違いないだろう.さらにアーティストとしての一面も持っておりストリート・アーティストJRと共同でプロジェクトを発表するなど活躍の場は幅広い. 2019年11月20日に本国フランスでの公開を迎えた本作は初日動員数7万人を超え週末ランキングは『アナと雪の女王2』に次ぐ第2位となる大ヒットスタートを記録.またフランスのマクロン大統領も本作を鑑賞.自国が抱える問題をリアルに描いた本作に反応し政府に「映画の舞台となった地域の生活条件を改善するためのアイデアを直ちに見つけて行動を起こす」よう求めたという. ラスト30分の緊迫感.そして衝撃のラストシーンは私たちに何を問いかけるのか!?もはや他人事と傍観していることはできない……. STORY パリ郊外に位置するモンフェルメイユ.ヴィクトル・ユゴーの小説「レ・ミゼラブル」の舞台でもあるこの街はいまや移民や低所得者が多く住む危険な犯罪地域と化していた.犯罪防止班に新しく加わることになった警官のステファンは仲間と共にパトロールをするうちに複数のグループ同士が緊張関係にあることを察知する.そんなある日イッサという名の少年が引き起こした些細な出来事が大きな騒動へと発展.事件解決へと奮闘するステファンたちだが事態は取り返しのつかない方向へと進み始めることに……. DIRECTOR 本作で描かれているすべてが実際に起きたことに基づいています. ワールドカップ勝利の歓喜はもちろん地域に新しい警官が来た時のことドローン盗まれたライオンまですべてです. この地域の素晴らしい多様性を見せたかったんです.私は今もここに住んでいます. これが私の生活でありここで撮影することが大好きなんです.  ――  ラジ・リ 監督・脚本  ラジ・リ Ladj Ly  フランスモンフェルメイユ(セーヌ=サン=ドニ県)出身.役者としてまた1995年に彼の幼少期からの友人であるキム・シャピロンとロマン・ガヴラスが起こしたアーティスト集団Kourtrajméのメンバーとしてキャリアを始める.1997年初の短編映画『Montfermeil Les Bosquets(原題)』を監督2004年にはドキュメンタリー『28 Millimeters(原題)』の脚本をクリシーモンフェルメイユパリの街の壁に巨大な写真を貼ったことで有名になった写真家JR(ジェイアール)と共同で手がける.2005年のパリ暴動以降クリシー=ス=ボワの変電所に隠れていたジエド・ベンナとブーナ・トラオレという2人の若者の死に衝撃を受け1年間自分の住む街を撮影することを決意ドキュメンタリー『365 Days in Clichy-Montfermeil(原題)』(2007)を制作する.その後もドキュメンタリーを撮り続け2014年には市民軍とトゥアレグ人が戦争を始めようとしている地域にスポットを当てた『365 Days In Mali(原題)』を2016年にはNGO団体マックス・ハーフェラール・フランスの広告『Marakani in Mali(原題)』を監督する.2017年初めての短編映画『Les Misérables(原題)』を監督し2018年セザール賞にノミネートクレルモンフェラン国際短編映画祭にて受賞.同年監督・脚本家のステファン・デ・フレイタスと共同で『A Voix Haute(原題)』を監督し再びセザール賞にノミネートされる.本作はラジ・リ監督にとって初の長編映画でありその同名短編映画にインスパイアされたものである. CAST ダミアン・ボナール Damien Bonnard as ステファン 『ハートブレイカー』のパスカル・ショメイユ監督ダイアン・クルーガー主演の『バツイチは恋のはじまり』(12)クリストファー・ノーラン監督『ダンケルク』 (17) 2019年東京国際映画祭で最優秀女優賞と観客賞を受賞した『ハリー見知らぬ友人』(00)のD・モル監督新作『動物だけが知っている』など数々の映画やTVシリーズに出演. アレクシス・マネンティ Alexis Manenti as クリス フレッド・カバイエ監督『友よさらばと言おう』(14)やサマンサ・モートン主演のクライムアクション『The Last Panthers(原題)』 (TVシリーズ/15)ロマン・デュリスとオルガ・キュリレンコが共演したフランス製サバイバルスリラー『ザ・ミスト』(18)などに出演.ラジ・リ監督が立ち上げたアーティスト集団Kourtrajméのメンバーでもあり監督とは古くからの付き合い.本作では“脚本”にもクレジットされている. ジェブリル・ゾンガ Djebril Zonga as グワダ モデルとして活躍しながらドキュメンタリー『One, Two, Three, Nawell Madani! (原題)』(19)をプロデュースしたり役者として『C'est tout pour moi(原題)』(17) に出演している.本作には自ら監督に連絡をしオーデションを経て出演が決定した. ジャンヌ・バリバール Jeanne Balibar as 警察署長 アルノー・デプレシャンオリヴィエ・アサイヤスジャン=クロード・ビエットマチュー・アマルリックブノワ・ジャコジャック・リヴェットラウル・ルイスなど数々の名匠の作品に出演するフランスを代表する女優のひとり.近年の出演者作は『バルバラ セーヌの黒いバラ』(17)『COLD WAR あの歌2つの心』(18)『何も変えてはならない』(9)など.

Les misÃrables Movie. Les misÃrables Movie stream.nbcolympics. YouTube. Critics Consensus Impeccably mounted but occasionally bombastic, Les Misérables largely succeeds thanks to bravura performances from its distinguished cast. 69% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 250 79% Audience Score User Ratings: 265, 122 Les Misérables Ratings & Reviews Explanation Les Misérables Photos Movie Info Set against the backdrop of 19th-century France, Les Misérables tells an enthralling story of broken dreams and unrequited love, passion, sacrifice and redemption-a timeless testament to the survival of the human spirit. Jackman plays ex-prisoner Jean Valjean, hunted for decades by the ruthless policeman Javert (Crowe) after he breaks parole. When Valjean agrees to care for factory worker Fantine's (Hathaway) young daughter, Cosette, their lives change forever. In December 2012, the world's longest-running musical brings its power to the big screen in Tom Hooper's sweeping and spectacular interpretation of Victor Hugo's epic tale. C) Universal Rating: PG-13 (for suggestive and sexual material, violence and thematic elements) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Dec 25, 2012 wide On Disc/Streaming: Mar 22, 2013 Box Office: 148, 775, 460 Runtime: 158 minutes Studio: Universal Pictures Cast News & Interviews for Les Misérables Critic Reviews for Les Misérables Audience Reviews for Les Misérables Les Misérables Quotes Movie & TV guides.

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Les misérables Movie streaming sur internet

映画『レ・ミゼラブル』ヒュー・ジャックマン&アン・ハサウェイ 単独インタビュー ミュージカルの金字塔をトム・フーパー監督が新たな手法で映画化した本作.ジャン・バルジャンを演じたヒュー・ジャックマンと壮絶な役づくりでファンテーヌ役に挑んだアン・ハサウェイが作品への熱い思いを語った. "Les misérables" is a new French film that runs for 105 minutes and this one is among the biggest players this awards season from Europe. This includes consideration by the Cannes Film Festival, the Golden Globe Awards and the Oscars as well as many other award ceremonies. I loved Tom Hooper's take on the subject from a few years ago, but this one here has nothing in common with that one. Both deliver for different reasons. If you know the traditional "Les Misérables" a bit, you will find some parallels, but if eventually there is nothing that clicks for you except that brief conversation in the car about Victor Hugo, Gavroche and Cosette, then that is fine too. One example for me here really was the parallel between Gavroche and Issa, with violence against both kids really causing everything to fall apart in an endless abyss of destruction. There are differences of course too as Issa is really injured and in danger of being killed by a lion even on one occasion, but he lives. But first things first: This Oscar-nominated movie was written (with others) and directed by Ladj Ly and for him it is a really special project because he grew up exactly where this film takes place, which may be the key reason why it felt very authentic. Another reason is that this is his first full feature film ever and that makes it even more special how well-received this one turned out. And what I personally like a lot is that Ly recast exactly these actors that appeared in a short film with the same title that Ly made initially before he turned it into a full feature film. I never really like if they replace actors, especially if the original ones are certainly good enough for this to become a satisfying outcome. And that is certainly true here. All the actors did a good job, not only the ones at the very center, but also every supporting player really and also the many child actors you will find in here, some of them even playing key characters, most of all the one I mentioned earlier already, but also the boy with the drone for example.
Like I wrote in the title of my review, this is a film that will totally have you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. We have a guy who joins the police force in a part of France that really struggles a lot with all kinds of crime, almost all of these connected with immigrants (or at least people with a foreign background) and that involves drugs, prostitution and just violence in general. But there is also more exotic stuff as we find out here when there is a lion cub involved that is stolen from a circus. The two groups clashing over this issue seem really dangerous, but looking at how the film ends, there is definitely another really dangerous group that may initially have not seemed that way. I won't go any further into detail. You must experience that yourself. It is pretty shocking though how the violence escalates more and more and the police is not exactly helping it with how they act in here. We, the audience, are basically in the same spot like the male protagonist, the guy who joins the force, as we know nothing about his new squad, but find out more and more the more time we spend with the guys, the other two officers that is. There is that scene early on with the marijuana-smoking girl that is also featured in the title and already shows us about the aggression from both sides really, but if you thought that this is the one that escalates the most, think again. It was in retrospective even slightly funny how they here made us feel somewhat safe that a day of work is over and they are back at home all of them, the good guys and the bad guys, although this description is not too perfect because they did so well here with giving the characters realistic shades. The one who shoots the kid is really the best example how we see him cry at home and how he calmed that woman down earlier, so she lets him inside, almost trusts him. This is really a good movie, which is also shown by how well it delivers in terms of attention to detail. Just take the protagonist and how he wears his brassard (is that the right word? that identifies him as a police officer and how his colleagues make fun of that and tell him later on that everybody knows they are cops anyway. There are many more examples of that.
I still find it fascinating or maybe it makes me also a bit sad to see how well France is doing with movies that elaborate on this subject of culture clashes, this time as a gritty crime drama, but also in general becaue immigration has been among the hottest subjects for a really long time now and every time Germany makes a film like that, it normally turns into a big mess that of course must have comedy too like "Willkommen bei den Hartmanns" for example. There are other examples too and 99% of them are really bad. I mean my fellow countrymen cannot be that uncreative while France gets out one excellent film on this subject after the next, even if it is by filmmakers like Ly, who really are not very experienced at all. Shameful really. Anyway, I should be glad France does it this well and it results in quality watches like this one here that are so incredibly tense and have such excellent quality. I also think it is superior to "Parasite" the film that has the foreign language Oscar in the bag now, but then again I am not a big fan of this, and also think Almodóvar's most recent (another nominee in the category) is better than Parasite. I would be so happy if "Les misérables" wins the category, but it is impossible to happen I think. Okay what else can I say about this one here. The running time is also perfect. It feels essential, not too long, not too short. Basically every decision they made here makes sense. What I personally find sometimes a bit difficult is when there are really many characters in a film and frequently they do not get the accurate elaboration and presentation or just feel for the sake of it while adding nothing, but this is also not the case here at all. Every character made sense, even if they just had one or two scenes, and that actually applies to really many characters here. Overall, before I conclude, let me say that despite children, especially one boy (or two) playing a key role here, this is not a film you want to show your small ones. It is way too harsh for that. As you may have seen from my review, I find it very hard to come up with any real flaws here, which also explains my rating I guess. The fact that I for example do not like one bit the ways in which the characters within the unit talk to each other, or in general interact with each other, does not mean they ring false. They don't. They feel pretty authentic. It is just my subjective take that I would not want any of it. So yeah, like I said, it is probably among my top5 films from 2019 at this point. Highly recommended.









Release date 2019. Duration 1 H 21 M. director Luke Lorentzen. . 8 / 10. 388 vote. Director: Luke Lorentzen 2019, USA, Mexico, 81 minutes, Digital, NR Language: Spanish Distributor: Greenwich Entertainment Program Notes In Mexico City, the government operates fewer than 45 emergency ambulances for a population of 9 million. This has spawned an underground industry of for-profit ambulances often run by people with little or no training or certification. An exception in this ethically fraught, cutthroat industry, the Ochoa family struggles to keep their financial needs from jeopardizing the people in their care. When a crackdown by corrupt police pushes the family into greater hardship, they face increasing moral dilemmas even as they continue providing essential emergency medical services. Critics' Praise “Both a compassionate portrait of a working-class family and a frightening ride through a broken healthcare system that risks the lives of both patients and providers like the Ochoa family. ” – Monica Castillo, TheWrap “One of the great contemporary films about the look and feel of a big city after dark. ” – Matt Zoller Seitz, “One of the most remarkably filmed documentaries of the decade. ” – Musanna Ahmed, Film Inquiry Watch The Trailer Visit Film Website Directions to the Parkway Theatre The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Parkway is located at 5 W. North Avenue (at the intersection of North Avenue and Charles St. in Baltimore's Station North Arts and Entertainment District.

Family guy midnight shift. Who's Involved: Luke Lorentzen Rating: NR Runtime: 1 hr, 21 m Midnight Family Official stills & photos 5 more Midnight Family Plot: What's the story? In Mexico City's wealthiest neighborhoods, the Ochoa family runs a private ambulance, competing with other for-profit EMTs for patients in need of urgent help. As the Ochoas try to make a living in this cutthroat industry, they struggle to keep their financial needs from compromising the people in their care. 1. 00 / 5 stars ( 1 users) Poll: Will you see Midnight Family? — Crew and Production Credits: Who's making Midnight Family? A look at the Midnight Family behind-the-scenes crew and production team. Midnight Family Trailers & Videos Production Timeline: When did the Midnight Family come together? On or about May 28, 2019 • The film was in Completed status. Questions: Frequently Asked About Midnight Family.

November 10, 2019 11:40PM PT A family attempts to make a meager living operating a private ambulance in Mexico City in Luke Lorentzens gripping doc. If you think the health care system is flawed in America, “ Midnight Family ” provides a stark snapshot of how truly broken things are in Mexico City, where fewer than 45 public ambulances serve a population of 9 million. Luke Lorentzen s documentary takes up residence alongside the Ochoa family, who earn a living — just barely — by operating one of the metropolis numerous privately owned ambulances, ferrying the injured to hospitals in hopes of being monetarily rewarded for their efforts. Portraits of institutional dysfunction dont come much more urgent, and quietly bleak, than this, which should help the film attract serious attention following its Sundance Film Festival premiere. Though medically unstable Fer is the nominal head of the Ochoa household, its his mature 17-year-old son Juan who — despite his youthful complexion (replete with braces) and habit of hugging a giant stuffed animal during interviews — whos the clans real father figure. Theirs is a tenuous existence in which each night is spent hanging out in the ambulance waiting for a call. When emergency notifications arrive, they ignite harrowing races through Mexico Citys bustling streets, as the Ochoas try to beat rival EMT outfits to the scene and, then, to quickly strap the wounded into stretchers and load them into the back of their van. Such urgency comes, of course, from their desire to help people survive potentially serious injuries. Yet as Lorentzens film makes clear via the Ochoas day-to-day ordeal, its also driven by a desire to lock citizens into their care — which, ostensibly, will result in payment at the end of the ride. “Midnight Family” illustrates that compensation is rarely in the cards here, as haggling leads to either polite apologies from those unable to pay, or harsher rejections from those simply unwilling to reimburse the paramedics for their trouble. As if that werent problematic enough for Juan and Fern, who can only assume their duties if a public ambulance doesnt show up first, the police are constant impediments, blocking them from accepting patients, citing them for unreasonable (and supposedly made-up) violations, and, at one point, threatening to arrest Juan if they arent paid a bribe. “Midnight Family” conveys all of this by sticking close to the Ochoas as they navigate an untenable state of affairs that links private ambulances, hospitals and police officers in a web of financial self-interest. Serving as his own cinematographer and editor, director Lorentzen generates intense empathy by following Juan and Fern  during a breakneck attempt to get a young girl with a traumatic brain injury to a hospital — yelling at passing cars through a loudspeaker, and giving traffic directions to each other — while the girls terrified mother sits beside them in the front seat. At such moments, the film achieves a powerful measure of suspense thats intricately tied up in its despairing sociological depiction of a system thats come apart at the seams. Through it all, Juan counts every penny, spends frugally (on, for example, a dinner of tuna fish and corn) recounts his exploits to his girlfriend on the phone, and cares for his younger brother Josué, who prefers to spend his time ratting around in the back of the ambulance — laughing with friends, eating chips or catching a quick nap — rather than attending school. In his criticisms of his siblings delinquency, which come equipped with explanations about why an education is so important, Juan proves himself an everyday hero, trying at home and in the streets as a paramedic, to keep his — and everyone elses — world together. After three weeks in theaters, Sonys “Bad Boys for Life” is officially the highest-grossing installment in the action-comedy series. The Will Smith and Martin Lawrence-led threequel has made 291 million globally to date, pushing it past previous franchise record holder, 2003s “Bad Boys II” and its 271 million haul. The first entry, 1995s “Bad Boys, ”. The BAFTA film awards have kicked off in London, with Graham Norton hosting this year at the Royal Albert Hall. The awards will be broadcast on the BBC in the United Kingdom and at 5 p. m. PT on BBC America. “Joker” topped the nominations with 11 nods, while “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, ” and. “1917, ” Sam Mendes World War I survival thriller, has taken an early lead at the 73rd British Academy of Film and Televisions Film Awards with four wins so far. “1917” took the first award of the evening, the Outstanding British Film Award, where it was the clear favourite in the category against fellow nominees “Bait, ”. Every summer, more than 1, 000 teens swarm the Texas capitol building to attend Boys State, the annual American Legion-sponsored leadership conference where these incipient politicians divide into rival parties, the Nationalists and the Federalists, and attempt to build a mock government from the ground up. In 2017, the program attracted attention for all the wrong. Box office newcomers “Rhythm Section” and “Gretel and Hansel” fumbled as “Bad Boys for Life” remained champions during a painfully slow Super Bowl weekend. Studios consider Sundays NFL championship a dead zone at movie theaters since the Super Bowl is the most-watched TV event. This year proved no exception. Overall ticket sales for the weekend. Ahead of tonights BAFTA Awards in London, Amy Gustin and Deena Wallace, co-directors of the British Independent Film Awards (BIFA) discuss how they shook up their awards voting mechanisms to become more inclusive of a wider variety of films and filmmakers.  BIFA is different from other awards bodies in its process as well as its. A wide range of Scandinavian films, including the politically-charged Danish drama “Shorta, ” the supernatural Icelandic drama “Lamb” with Noomi Rapace, and the Finnish-Iranian refugee tale “Any Day Now, were some of the highlights at this years Nordic Film Market. They were presented, along with 13 other films in post-production, as part of the Work-in-Progress section.

The thumbnail looks like a damn Ninja Turtle reject. When u think of a funny comment about the mask that havent been taken yet... Midnight family streaming. Family guy midnight train. As a progressive male of 2019, I can use my tampoon to sop up my tears from the scenes where they miss each other. Thought this was going to be an elder alter-ego superhero movie. Then again, a superhero with adult diapers ain't going to cut it, is it. Midnight family rating. MOVIES 11:12 AM PST 2/11/2019 by Courtesy of Sundance Film Festival An intriguing perspective on health care in urban Mexico. A family-run ambulance business in Mexico City struggles to stay afloat in Luke Lorentzen's doc. A glimpse into the dysfunction of Mexico's patchwork of public and private health care, Luke Lorentzen's Midnight Family follows a family of EMTs through Mexico City as they struggle to make a living keeping other citizens alive. Though its micro view limits its usefulness in big discussions of public policy — it's easy to imagine American partisans using it as evidence both for and against government-run health care — it is a vivid reminder that all such policies are lived out by millions of individuals, who die every day when things aren't well run. Opening titles explain that in Mexico City, the government runs 45 public ambulances to serve a sprawled-out population of 9 million. That's nearly the entirety of what Lorentzen tells us directly in the film. Everything else we observe or infer during ride-alongs with the Ochoa family, who drive one of an unstated number of private ambulances that fill gaping holes in the city's delivery of health care. This observational approach gives the film its flavor, especially when it comes to family dynamics, but it makes things frustrating for viewers hoping to actually learn something. Lacking outside comment, we can guess but never be sure when the Ochoas are doing the right thing and when they're pushing an ethical line, maybe fatally. (Press notes make some things more explicit, but moviegoers don't get press notes. Whenever they pick up a patient who needs care they can't provide, for instance, they have choices to make: Go to a government-run hospital or a private one? Go to the closest facility or a further one that might be more affordable or better equipped? Leave the crowded-looking free hospital in favor of another down the road? At many junctures, the EMTs inform patients and/or their loved ones of the choices, speaking gently but usually presenting one option as smarter than others. They clearly have more experience than their customers with how the system works. But is their advice sometimes clouded by self-interest? After they've brought patients to a private facility in one scene, we see a staffer there hand over cash to the driver. Is this a shady kickback or part of a somehow legitimate transaction? The former seems likely, but we have no way of knowing for sure. We do, however, get a good sense that the role of police in this ecosystem is morally tainted. Ambulance drivers pay cops bribes in return for tips about accidents; cops hassle drivers, enforcing rules that seem to change arbitrarily. Questions of law and ethics aside, viewers get a visceral understanding here of the cutthroat nature of this private-ambulance business. Though they suffer through long bouts of boredom, the Ochoas leap into action when they hear reports of an accident: We race through the streets with them, often neck-and-neck with other vans trying to make it to the scene first. Whoever's riding shotgun mans the PA, shouting at drivers of other cars to heed the sirens and get out of the way. Juan Ochoa quickly becomes the film's star. Barely 17, he's far more professional than the older man we assume is his father. While slow-moving Dad tries to bum cash off his employee-children — he appears to have emptied his pockets for cops — perfectly groomed Juan hustles. He drives the ambulance, helps patients and reports on the night's frustrations in phone calls to his unseen girlfriend. He also does much of the undesirable job of asking for payment. Though Lorentzen mostly averts his camera's gaze when patients are around, he does listen in on some of the conversations about cost. A high-school girl who's been head-butted by her boyfriend weeps while she bleeds in the back of the van, meekly asking, Is this expensive. And shortly after, Can you please give me a hug to calm me down. Later on, another woman balks at the 3, 800 pesos the Ochoas charge for emergency transport (one of many items on their price list, that's roughly 200 U. S. When patients refuse to pay, that's that; as far as we can see, the EMTs have no recourse. What they do have is a matter-of-fact justification: When no government-provided ambulance arrived at the scene, what was your alternative? Production company: Hedgehog Director-director of photography-editor: Luke Lorentzen Producers: Kellen Quinn, Luke Lorentzen, Daniela Alatorre, Elena Fortes Composer: Los Shajatos Venue: Sundance Film Festival (U. Documentary Competition) Sales: Josh Braun, Submarine In Spanish 80 minutes.

No? This is not up for best foreign film ? Make it be! Or hell even best picture! I loved Parasite but I welcome a challenge and as an artist I am intrigued... Great vid love u all❤️❤️. Portland, OR Living Room Theatres Opens Jan 17 Camas, WA Liberty Theatre 24 Dallas, TX Angelika Film Center Ft. Worth, TX CineAmerica Gran Plaza Las Vegas, NV Galaxy Boulevard Mall Minneapolis, MN Landmark Uptown Theatre San Diego, CA Digital Gym Cinema Sparks, NV Galaxy Victorian 13 Brooklyn, NY Film Noir Cinema 26 Tacoma, WA Grand Cinema 28 Denver, CO SIE FilmCenter 31 Porterville, CA Galaxy Porterville 9 Winston-Salem, NC Aperture Cinema Grand Rapids, MI Knickerbocker Theater Feb 3 Bend, OR Tin Pan Theater 7 Tucson, AZ Loft Cinema Cleveland, OH Cleveland Cinematheque 13 Birmingham, AL Sidewalk Film Center and Cinema 18 Tunkahonnock, PA The Dietrich Louisville, KY Speed Art Museum Ithica, NY Cornell Cinema Mar 19.

Me: loving the comment section 😂. Old People: Dont Stare! Its rude! Also Old people when they see somebody with blue hair: insert thumbnail. Midnight family wiki. Normally I'm not into romcoms but John Lithgow and Blythe Danner are two of my favorite actors. That alone gives me the motivation to want to see this. And add to that, it's a Sundance selection. Color me intriegued.

Skip to get tickets Midnight Family Fri, Jan 3 - Thu, Jan 9, 2020 Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Harris Theater Ticket Prices 8 general admission, 7 students and seniors all at the door only Drama Film An intense ride in a Mexican ambulance with a family struggling to stay afloat. Spanish with English subtitles In Mexico City, where the healthcare system cannot even begin to address the needs of nine million residents, the Ochoa family runs one of the citys privately owned ambulance services, scraping out a living by tending to the injured and desperately unwell, waiting on calls night after night, only to speed through the citys streets hoping to beat rival EMT crews to the scene. These visceral race-against-the-clock runs give Midnight Family the vibe of a suspense film, while 17-year-old son Juan emerges as the films everyday hero, a hard-hustling young man who acts as the sturdy backbone to his at-risk family. Director Luke Lorentzen takes care to place the Ochoas struggle within a larger ecosystem of civil failure, subsistence-level scavenging, and endemic corruption. "Outstanding. Fantastically shot by the director Luke Lorentzen, the documentary develops an urgency that suits the life-or-death stakes onscreen. By turns terrifying and exhilarating, Midnight Family unfolds with such velocity that it may take a while for your ethical doubts to catch up to whats happening. When they do, they leave you gasping. " – Manohla Dargis, New York Times Critics Pick Event Date Fri, Jan 3, 2020, 7:30 PM Sat, Jan 4, 2020, 4:30 PM Sat, Jan 4, 2020, 7:30 PM Sun, Jan 5, 2020, 4:30 PM Sun, Jan 5, 2020, 7:30 PM Mon, Jan 6, 2020, 7:30 PM Tue, Jan 7, 2020, 7:30 PM Wed, Jan 8, 2020, 7:30 PM Thu, Jan 9, 2020, 7:30 PM Accessibility: Wheelchair Seating Note: All services may not be available at all performances. Click the link above for accessible performance schedule or contact customer service for further assistance. 809 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh PA 15222 Box office phone: 412-471-9700.

Midnight family lol dolls. Love you so much 💛. In the Saw movies, what does Jigsaw say?do you want to play a game would you like to play a game i want to play a game the correct answer is i want to play a game. Midnight family showtimes. Wheres scarlo. Wait, did he say “thats dad” ? Im tryna see her new man lol. Family guy midnight dumpster baby. A chance encounter on a Mexico City street took a young filmmaker on a wild detour to making one of 2019s most thrilling documentaries, which gives the notion of “ambulance chasing” a whole new meaning. In “Midnight Family, ” which made the Academy Award shortlist for documentary feature, audiences meet the Ochoas — primarily father Fer, his teenage son and driver Juan, and younger son Josué, not yet an adolescent — who run one of the citys fiercely competitive ambulance-for-hire services. These private operations fulfill an urgent need: The citys 9 million residents are served only by some 45 state-owned ambulances. Each night, the Ochoas race through the neon-drenched streets of one of the worlds most densely populated cities, using a scanner to monitor police reports as they gun hard to reach accident victims — and other prospective clients — before another service gets there. Luke Lorentzen was 23 and new to Mexico City, where he was frustrated trying to assemble a different project. One day in December 2015 he came upon the Ochoas ambulance, parked in front of his apartment. They invited him to ride along. “That first evening I just saw this whole underworld of for-profit health care that really shocked me, ” Lorentzen said, “and made me feel a lot of different things, all while enjoying the experience of being with this family. ” The film, which won a special jury award for cinematography at the Sundance Film Festival and the grand jury award at Englands Sheffield Doc/Fest, immerses audiences in that experience, putting them behind the wheel of the Ochoas cramped emergency vehicle. The compact space heightens the visceral situations the family encounters — as they collect bloodied and emotionally distraught patients — and the sometimes eccentric dynamics among its members. Lorentzen, who rode with and filmed the Ochoas until early 2018, found the excitement (and existential moodiness) of the nightly runs could be captured with minimal tools. He worked as a one-man crew, with one camera strapped to the ambulances hood and another in his hands. The filmmaker built confidence over a long series of rides, working limitations — a single 24mm lens, the tight space inside the vehicle — to his advantage. The nocturnal shoots also provide a glimpse of an urban wonderland most people dont see. “I was so excited about just how beautiful and alluring Mexico City is at night, ” he said. “Theres so many different neon colors. ” Lorentzen said he was as likely to think of the visual compositions of the late Austrian documentarian Michael Glawogger (“Whores Glory, ” “Workingmans Death”) as David Fincher while behind the camera, working almost entirely with available light. He also looked to the obsessive experiential quality of documentaries out of Harvards Sensory Ethnography Lab, with their knack for giving moving images a tactile expressiveness. That approach gives the films craziest sequences a rollercoaster immediacy. One high-speed run, in which Juan hit the pedal to brake ahead of a rival ambulance, bristles like an excerpt from “The Fast and the Furious. ” Lorentzen was too wrapped up in such moments to worry much about the risks. “I was so motivated to capture all this energy, ” he said. “There were very few moments where I felt really out of control. Speeding at 80 mph through Mexico City is pretty hair-raising, but I knew those would be some of the most amazing scenes in the film. ” Such elements were much easier to convey than the often disturbing ethical questions that came into play. “The deeper I got into it, the more I realized there were these really big socio-political questions at the center of it, ” said Lorentzen, whose Mexican residencies were juggled with four seasons working on Netflixs “Last Chance U. ” “Some nights, they save somebodys life and other nights they put people in really questionable situations, ” said the filmmaker, who shows how the family must hustle the suffering, or sometimes prioritize money over mercy, to generate the income that keeps their cash-strapped enterprise in business. Everyone is trying to survive. “That balance between good and bad was a really subtle palette of emotions, and I didnt have the material to get that across until really late. ” Indeed, about three-quarters of the film comes from a final shooting phase with the Ochoas, right after an earlier cut of “Midnight Family” was turned down by Sundance. But when Lorentzen went back, the family trusted him enough to really make themselves vulnerable for the camera, he said. “When you think of the craft of filmmaking, the first thing everybody talks about is cinematography, editing, sound, the music. “On this film, I spent most of my time just building this relationship. Not every documentary depends on it as much as ‘Midnight Family does but with this film, its the only piece holding everything together. ”.

I love this man with all my heart. he does such a good job on every role he plays and is honestly one of the best actors of this century 🥺. Matt Zoller Seitz December 6, 2019 The night comes alive in "Midnight Family, Luke Lorentzen's film about a private ambulance service in Mexico City. This is one of the great contemporary films about the look and feel of a big city after dark, luxuriating in the vastness of almost-empty avenues lit by buzzing streetlamps. It's a real-life answer to fiction movies like " Taxi Driver. Bringing Out the Dead, " Collateral. Nightcrawler " and " The Sweet Smell of Success. "  And yet, despite the film's careful attention to images and sounds—which is somewhat unusual in nonfiction, a mode that too often relies on verbal summaries, infographics, and talking heads—Lorentzen never allows "Midnight Family" to become an empty stylistic exercise. He stays tightly focused on his main characters, the Ochoa family, as they scramble to survive in a brutal, unregulated economy. Advertisement The Ochoas live and work in a city with nine million people but only 45 government-operated ambulances. Their ambulance is nominally run by a father, Fer, who has health problems and seems profoundly depressed (some of the film's most haunting images are silent closeups of his face lost in thought. But the real boss is Fer's 17-year old son Juan, who usually takes the lead in treating patients, dealing with finances and official regulations, and arguing with cops who hassle them in hopes of shaking loose a bribe. Juan also acts as an adjunct father to his little brother Josué, who gets frustrated at their hard existence (there's an argument over how many cans of tuna they can afford to buy) but would rather be on the job with his family than attend school.  It's a rough life. The Ochoas seem to live in the ambulance more so than in their small, cluttered apartment. A lot of the Ochoas' patients can't or won't pay them for their labor. They must compete with other ambulance services to get to a scene first, even street-racing a rival in a sequence that's reminiscent of the moment in " Gangs of New York " where the crews of two private fire trucks brawl in front of a burning house. Every month is a financial crap shoot.  The filmmaker, who shot and edited the movie in addition to directing and producing it, seems to have taken his cues from an earlier era of documentary cinema, represented by directors like the Maysles Brothers ( Salesman, " Gimme Shelter. and D. A. Pennebaker. Don't Look Back. The movie captures moments of astonishing intimacy, not just with the Ochoas but with their patients, the police, and the citizens they interact with from moment to moment. The camera looks at people and places and lets us think and feel things, rather than constantly and clumsily trying to manage our reactions.  There's implicit criticism of government ineptitude and corruption and the viciousness of profit-driven life, particularly when it comes to healthcare, but these concerns emerge organically from the situations the director shows us. The tone is empathetic but clear-eyed, presenting the world's indifference to struggle and suffering as a hard fact, as immutable as the winter draft that chills the interior of the ambulance until Juan asks his dad to shut the doors.  There's no music. The movie doesn't need it. It has traffic sounds, barking dogs, roaring auto engines and squealing tires, and the screams of injured people nearly drowning out the reassurances of paramedics trying to stop the bleeding. The sense of place is nearly overwhelming, and the editing finds little ways to re-emphasize it, such as holding on an empty room or ambulance interior for a beat or two after people have exited the frame. All the world's a stage, we're mere extras upon it, and there's no way to know if anyone's watching the play. Reveal Comments comments powered by.

Love yall. Plot twist: He's the creator of Jumanji - PC edition. This was filmed in my town. No upcoming screenings. Available No Tickets Available [ artDate, amDateFormat: dddd, MMMM Do" artDate, amDateFormat: h:mm A. You may not purchase more tickets at this time. About With striking vérité camerawork, Midnight Family drops us directly into the frenetic nighttime emergency ecosystem of Mexico City. In the midst of high-speed ambulance rides, we meet the Ochoas, a ragtag family of private paramedics, who try desperately every day to be the first responders to critically injured patients. In a city where the government operates only 45 emergency ambulances for a population of over nine million, the family acts as a crucial—but unregistered—underground lifeline. But the job is riddled with police bribes and cutthroat competition. And even though the Ochoa family has a reputation for being trustworthy, they must reckon with the sudden escalation in bribes that could force them to wade into the ethically questionable practice of making money off of patients in dire straits. Midnight Family maintains a breathless speed and urgency throughout. The camera is always exactly where it needs to be, capturing the intense textures and thrills of rides and rescues until, with each repetition, a subtextual story emerges—of a family and a society under profound financial and moral duress. Screens with The Dispossessed Hazari is a traditional faith healer, exorcising patients who've been possessed by jinn. But in Kashmir amidst the worlds longest-running conflict, nothing is as it seems. YEAR 2018 CATEGORY U. S. Documentary Competition COUNTRY Mexico/U. A. RUN TIME 81 min LANGUAGE Spanish SUBTITLES Yes with English subtitles EMAIL PHONE (914) 584-0275 Credits Director Luke Lorentzen Producers Kellen Quinn Daniela Alatorre Elena Fortes Subjects Juan Ochoa Fer Ochoa Josué Ochoa Manuel Hernández Cinematography Edited By Co Editor Paloma López Carrillo Consulting Editor Mary Lampson Sound Design Matías Barberis Music By Los Shajatos Music Performed By Leonardo Heiblum Jacobo Lieberman Alexis Ruiz Andrés Sánchez Consulting Producers Jamie Meltzer Christian Jensen Artist Bio Luke Lorentzen graduated from Stanford University in art history and film studies. His short film Santa Cruz del Islote (2014) won awards at over 10 international film festivals. His first feature documentary New York Cuts (2015) had its world premiere at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam and its U. premiere at the Camden International Film Festival. Luke is also part of the team behind Netflix's documentary series Last Chance U.

One of my friends, his name is John- HICKEY. Midnight family documentary. Adam Sandlers first movie not wearing a t shirt and shorts 🩳 in it. Midnight family reviews. Disney: no singing. No Mushu. No Shan Li. No “my name is ping”. No “lets get down to business” Everyone: is it even really Mulan anymore. Midnight family 2019 sundance. Photo: 1091 Media Mexico Citys health care crisis, much like Americas, primarily revolves around prohibitive costs and limited access. The issues myriad complexities are neatly embodied by a single problem plaguing the city: an ambulance shortage. The Mexico City government only operates 45 emergency ambulances to accomplish the impossible task of serving nine million people. Private ambulance companies, such as the one run by the father-and-sons team at the center of Luke Lorentzens vérité documentary Midnight Family, have sprung up in the city to fill the void. As members of a for-profit underground network, the Ochoa family frequently cuts ethical and medical corners in order to help an underserved population. When theres profit to be made, capitalism finds a way. Like any small business, the Ochoa family comes up against many daily obstacles that hinder their success. They face fierce competition from other private and public EMTs, often dangerously racing them in the streets to accident scenes. Corrupt cops constantly impede their progress by demanding bribes or halting their assistance. Since the Ochoas work in a liminal legal space, they dont necessarily have access to the proper equipment, let alone paperwork or an up-to-date vehicle. Most frustrating of all, theyre forced to shake down the victims they transport when they cant or wont pay. The Ochoa family may charge high prices for their emergency services, but the money they reap mostly goes toward upkeep and expenses. By night, they save lives. By day, theyre just another low-income Mexico City family struggling to put food on the table and pay their electric bills. Lorentzen documents the nightly excursions in stunning widescreen compositions, carefully orchestrated and featuring an urban-noir color palette dominated by the ambulances spinning blue warning light. (At times, the imagery almost recalls the night scenes in Michael Manns Thief. Despite the flattering aesthetic, Lorentzen doesnt present the Ochoa family in an exaggerated heroic light. Instead, he matter-of-factly focuses on the intersection between their mercenary and selfless impulses. Its obvious that Fer and his two sons, Juan (age 17) and Josué (age 10) feel responsible for the people in their charge and take their safety seriously. At the same time, theyre forced to make ethically questionable decisions every time theyre on the road, like pressuring people in critical condition to accept care they cant afford. Lorentzen keeps the action as thrilling as possible in the moment—he films two heavy-duty car chases and a time-sensitive journey to the hospital, both of which are as suspenseful as anything youll find in the multiplex—to replicate the high-pressure context that allows the Ochoas problematic conduct to thrive. Which mother wouldnt instinctually trust the EMTs in charge of saving her daughters life, even if their profit motive inevitably guides, and sometimes clouds, their judgment? To his credit, Lorentzen never guides the audiences moral response, allowing us to make up our minds about the Ochoas on a scene-by-scene basis. He also provides ample rationale for their actions by depicting their hand-to-mouth lifestyle alongside the on-the-job drudgery. Alt hough Midnight Family s diaristic structure contributes to a general shapelessness (the film doesnt end so much as just stop) it allows for plenty of time spent with the Ochoa family, including Juan and Josué, who bicker and joke around with each other as often as they patrol the streets for misfortune. These moments of downtime provide a warm, comic energy to Midnight Family that renders the Ochoas naturally sympathetic subjects and illustrates why Lorentzen decided to film them in the first place. Yet they also throw the scenes where, say, theyre coercing the mother of a domestic abuse victim to pay 3, 800 pesos for a hospital ride in a different light. A health care system that cant effectively cover its population and forces civilians to pick up the slack turns everyone into a victim.

Alguien sabe ¿Dondè puedo verla. I watched this reality last night! It is what is it. Midnight family poster. Midnight Family Reviews Movie Reviews By Reviewer Type All Critics Top Critics All Audience Page 1 of 3 January 30, 2020 [An] 80-minute gut punch. January 29, 2020 At 81 minutes, you won't be bored, but don't be surprised if the car ride home finds you questioning how an audition reel for a reality television program earned a theatrical release. January 19, 2020 The film is loaded with the type of constant tension you might expect from a business that revolves around human suffering. January 17, 2020 Midnight Family is so attuned to its moral ambiguity that it's hard to fault anyone onscreen. They're all just trying their best. January 16, 2020 An urgent portrait of a system in collapse, Midnight Family also uncovers one family's raft of hope amid an ocean of desperation. Midnight Family offers a moving portrait of a complex, unfortunate situation for all concerned. The engrossing 'Midnight Family' is a thrilling portrait of one family trying to make a difference in a city that constantly works against them. A fascinating documentary that captures the every day challenges and problems faced by millions of hard-working people in Mexico. [Full Review in Spanish] January 13, 2020 A rollicking docudrama of a news media rarity, a family making a living saving lives. January 12, 2020 Ambulance crews become ambulance chasers as the documentary begins to resemble Dan Gilroy's Nightcrawler. A fascinating nocturnal thrill ride. January 9, 2020 There's something vaguely outlandish about the way they speed through the streets. Yet there's also a strong moral core, like Juan yelling at a junkie whose glue-sniffing antics leave his kid in a coma. January 4, 2020 Powerful both in message and in content, the documentary warrants more than just a watch. Give it your full attention. December 30, 2019 The film goes on to show how the inadequacy of the city's healthcare is compounded by poverty, overcrowded hospitals, and corrupt police, whom the Ochoas must bribe to receive tipoffs and prevent being shut down... December 18, 2019 "Midnight Family" is both a compassionate portrait of a working-class family and a frightening ride through a broken healthcare system that risks the lives of both patients and providers like the Ochoa family. December 14, 2019. a compelling composite of the fragility and durability of the working wonders that strive to take one step forward in the name of progress only to step three steps backwards as the trying times dictate the rhythm of progression. December 14, 2019 It's a disheartening look at such a backward ambulance system, but it makes for an exciting film. December 13, 2019 Not easily forgotten, this dark trip. December 12, 2019 A thrilling, subjective, portrait of one family's attempts to navigate the corrupt economy of emergency health care while, also, providing much-needed services for a city desperately in need of EMTs. What's indelible in this visceral chronicle is that more than profiting from human suffering, the Ochoas fill the gaps of economic inequality while doing good without reservation. Page 1 of 3.

Midnight family rotten tomatoes. La buscaré urgentemente, espero poder verla en AMBULANTE o en Cine Tonalá. Te menciono que yo tuve una relación de pareja con una persona que trabaja en la Cruz Roja. Tu comentario sobre la persona que de alguna manera sirve como válvula de escape con el protagonista, yo la viví directamente y pude de alguna forma ayudar para aliviar parte de su pesar, impotencia, impresión y desasosiego. Es impresionante saber por lo que pasan estas personas que para mi son héroes anónimos que muy poca gente sabe de ellos. Como dato adicional mencionaré que la serie 'Paramédicos' de Canal Once, es una verdadera joya; es magnífica y trata el tema de las emergencias de la Cruz Roja en la CDMX, desafortunadamente muy pocas personas la conocen o la han visto. Como siempre es un gusto ver tus reseñas. Si vienes a Tijuana en alguna oportunidad, por favor menciónalo si llega a suceder, me encantaría saludarte en persona. Por último Fernanda, ¿usas página de Facebook, Twitter o Instagram.

Why'd you spill your beans, the 2020 version of Rosebud. Im earlyyyyy. I loveee you Audreyyy! ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😘😘😘. Midnight cry crabb family. Say what you will about modern horror but there are some innovative films coming out amongst the trash. First a nearly silent film with A Quiet Place and now a modern black and white film. Those are some risky choices to make when you could just turn a profit with some generic crap. Midnight family stream. Midnight family wikipedia. Critics Pick In this outstanding documentary, a family of emergency medical workers struggles both to save lives and to make a living. Credit. 1091 Media Midnight Family NYT Critic's Pick Directed by Luke Lorentzen Documentary, Action, Crime, Drama 1h 21m More Information Periodically while watching “Midnight Family” you feel as if you cant look at the screen for another second. But you cant look away either. That tension encapsulates the push-pull of this documentary, a haunting portrait of a family of emergency medical worker s in Mexico City. Because as you tag along on another wild nighttime ride, and yet one more life-or-death race, the familys careening ambulance seems like an emblem both of their reality and of your own whiplashing position as a viewer. The family at its center, the Ochoas, own and operate one of the many private ambulances that serve Mexico City. The director Luke Lorentzen takes you right inside the ambulance, squeezing you in alongside the Ochoas and several others as they tend to traumatized victims and an occasional member of a patients family. Its no surprise that it can be a deeply distressing fit. Nearly as alarming, though, are those instances when the Ochoas race a rival ambulance to the next accident and the documentary enters that unsettling zone where the pleasures of the chase (and good filmmaking) slam into your ethical sensibility, which is to Lorentzens point. Your stomach may start jumping (your thoughts too) e ven before the movie and ambulance take off. After opening with some sober scene-setting — a man washing blood off a bright yellow stretcher — Lorentzen drops in some of the documentarys few informational details. “In Mexico City, ” reads text on a dark screen, “the government operates fewer than 45 emergency ambulances for a population of nine million. ” Much of the citys emergency health care, the note continues, is handled by “a loose system of private ambulances. ” The Ochoas belong to this informal network, tending to hundreds of patients each year from inside their red-and-white ambulance. Serving as his own cinematographer, Lorentzen spends a lot of time in the back of that van, a space that you settle into as workers and patients enter and exit. He regularly points the camera at the windshield, giving you front-row access to the chaos; every so often, he trains it on the rear-door windows, as if looking for an escape. Another camera, mounted on the top of the dashboard, enables you to see inside the van, where Fer, the Ochoa paterfamilias, is generally found riding shotgun beside one son, Juan, a 17-year-old with a meticulous fade haircut and the wheel skills of a NASCAR racer. When the sirens blare and lights flash, Fer and Juan can make a formidable, at times grimly diverting, tag team. “Get out of my way, bicycle! ” Fer yells over the ambulance loudspeaker in an early scene, as the intensely focused Juan drives and another of Fers sons — the babyish-looking Josué, whos around 10 — tries to steady himself in the rear. As Lorentzen cuts from the vans occupants to the darkly jeweled street and back again, everyone and everything passing by is told where to go. “Keep moving, bus! ” Fer yells, before slipping into street-philosopher mode. “This is why people die! ” he says, over a lingering shot of Josué. “Because people like you dont move! ” The juxtaposition of Josués face and Fers words are representative of Lorentzens method. Embracing a familiar observational approach, he doesnt talk you through “Midnight Family” but instead lets his filmmaking choices convey his thoughts on the Ochoas and the mercenary world they inhabit. (He edited the documentary and is one of its producers. Lorentzen never explains how he found the family, who not only granted him seemingly free access to their ambulance, but also brought him into their home. Hes more expansive in the production notes where he says that he introduced himself after he saw Juan cleaning the van while Josué was playing with a soccer ball. “Midnight Family” can be tough to watch, but it never feels unprincipled or indulgently exploitative. Some of the most traumatic incidents have, of course, occurred before the ambulance roars up, but not all. Even when the worst happens, Lorentzen doesnt turn the gore and tears into a spectacle, and its instructive that some of the most dreadful moments take place off-camera or are conveyed through the triage patter or in later conversations. He also tends to obscure the faces of the wounded and whether legally or ethically motivated, this discretion is a relief. Its humanizing for the victims (be warned that these include children) and for the viewer. One of the enduring hurdles in visual storytelling is how to represent the suffering of others without adding to it, a difficulty that Lorentzen has clearly weighed. Thats evident in his point of view, what he shows you and doesnt, and obvious in his empathetic portrayal of the Ochoas. Theyre an appealing, affecting collection of souls, and you too want the best for them, even when you grasp their role in a system plagued by class inequities and inadequate services, kickbacks and shakedowns. Here, if it bleeds, it leads right into everyones pocket — the police, emergency workers, hospitals — a truism that makes this documentary feel finally, appallingly, universal. Midnight Family Not rated. In Spanish, with subtitles. Running time: 1 hour 21 minutes.

MIDNIGHT family law. MIDNIGHT family.

7:55 Fun Fact: I was born in Memphis in 1998😂

Midnight family feud game.

Midnight family luke lorentzen

"Outstanding. Fantastically shot by the director Luke Lorentzen, the documentary develops an urgency that suits the life-or-death stakes onscreen. By turns terrifying and exhilarating, “Midnight Family” unfolds with such velocity that it may take a while for your ethical doubts to catch up to whats happening. When they do, they leave you gasping. " – Manohla Dargis, New York Times Critics Pick “Arguably the most exhilarating documentary to come out of Sundance this year, Midnight Family follows the Ochoa family—the gruff but compassionate Fer and his two underage sons, Juan and Josué—at intensely close range on these Sisyphean missions of mercy. ” – Museum of Modern Art and Film Society of Lincoln Center Included in the “10 Best Movies of Sundance 2019" A deft mix of big-picture doc-making and intimate moments. not to mention a wild—and remarkably eye-opening—ride. ” – David Fear, Rolling Stone “This 81-minute masterpiece will change the way you look at documentaries forever; its style reads like an action movie, its themes like a socio-political drama, and, yet, it still is very much a work of non-fiction, with a camera always exactly positioned to capture a society on the brink of moral collapse. – Jordan Ruimy, The Playlist “Profound and thrilling cinema verite filmmaking. The film is impeccably crafted by Luke Lorentzen… What matters most here is Lorentzens intuition—he knows during many stunning moments just where to put the camera in such close quarters, letting us observe as harrowing drama and cinematic poetry unfolds… 'Midnight Family' is extremely visceral in the best way. ” – Nick Allen, Roger Included in “21 Must-See Movies” at Sundance "An intimate verite documentary. the Ochoas emerge as fascinating embodiments of a country working overtime to correct its shortcomings and keep the lights on. This bracing U. S. competition documentary is poised to provide a personal window into the fast-paced mayhem of Mexico after dark. ” – Eric Kohn, Indiewire.

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Everyone here who is shocked that Sandler is a good actor clearly haven't seen Punch Drunk Love or Reign Over Me. MIDNIGHT family life. Synopsis In Mexico City, the government operates fewer than 45 emergency ambulances for a population of 9 million. This has spawned an underground industry of for-profit ambulances often run by people with little or no training or certification. An exception in this ethically fraught, cutthroat industry, the Ochoa family struggles to keep their financial needs from jeopardizing the people in their care. When a crackdown by corrupt police pushes the family into greater hardship, they face increasing moral dilemmas even as they continue providing essential emergency medical services. Crew Details Genre Director Producers Writer Editor Cinematography Studio Country Language Alternative Title Popular reviews More Midnight Family has more layers than most documentaries I've seen from 2019. There is no doubt I was rooting for the Ochoa's during my viewing and even now. But I'm also sickened by there choices, elated by a 17 year old speeding through the streets endangering lives to get ahead of another ambulance, and saddened when he is arrested for helping at a crash scene. Undoubtedly one of the most complex docs in the last few years. Luke Lorentzen is a promising and deft new voice, I'm not sure how official a Directorial Debuts this is but it would have been in my top three of 2019 if I'd seen it in time. I highly recommend it. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. A brief elaboration. The health care situation in Mexico City is the reason Malcolm Tucker coined the term "omnishambles. There are 45 public ambulances for 9 million people, and so private ambulances fill the gap, jumping in with limited regulation, unclear training, and uncertain recompense. MIDNIGHT FAMILY stays close and tight with the Ochoa family as they try to work this situation for their survival. I was bemused when an audience member groaned at an early shot of a family member cleaning blood from a stretcher - what did you *expect* from an ambulance documentary. but in general the film actually eschews gore, instead carefully modulating between levels of the aforementioned omnishambles so that you never get fully… DO BUILD STRONGER MEDICAL EMERGENCY CARE AND AMBULANCES FOR MEXICO DON'T BUILD WALLS thank you for coming to my ted-talk The health of the citizens of Mexico City is, increasingly, in the hands of a loose system of private ambulance companies (there are less than 50 government ambulances in the entire metropolis. Director Luke Lorentzen spotlights one of those companies, the family business of the Ochoas, adopting a fly-on-the-wall approach that captures the chaos of their accident scenes and the wait forever/go-go-go nature of their existence. Its a harrowing picture, not just in its fast pace and life-and-death stakes, but for the moral ambiguity of its protagonists, which becomes clearer the longer we ride along. SUNDANCE FILM NO. 1 A portrait of a family framed against the decline of the 15th largest global economy; these good people simply doing good things is made to feel like a radical act. I can't speak highly enough of this doc. It was funded in a similar manner to Sandi Tan's SHIRKERS (my best of the fest from last year) so I really hope this finds an audience! It's a great feeling looking forward to a movie and then it's ~actually~ as good as you were anticipating. Good start to Sundance 2019. Gleams with the flashing red and blue lights of cop cars and ambulances, vividly lensed by director Luke Lorentzen himself, who also tactfully averts his cameras gaze from the bodily carnage that the Ochoas and their competitors rush towards every night in hopes of not just getting to the scene of an accident first, but also actually getting paid for the vital work that they do. If you were to watch only an excerpt or two, youd have a pretty different impression of what the doc is depending on the clip you got. Scenes that are quiet and calm, such as when the Ochoas are carefully assembling their gear in preparation for the night ahead, cast brief spells that were jolted out of when a call comes in and were suddenly racing through the streets of Mexico City. What a ride. Recent reviews Mexico City is home to 9 million souls, but the government operates fewer than 45 ambulances to aid them in times of need. To fill the gap, an entire underground industry of for-profit ambulances has cropped up. None are regulated, most are unlicensed physicians with little to no training, and all of them are in competition with one another. First on the scene gets the injured, which has created an unholy system of police bribes and partnerships with private hospitals. None of which seems to be in the patients best interest. Produced, directed, shot and edited by Luke Lorentzen, Midnight Family follows the Ochoas — an uncle, a father and his two sons — as they stalk the streets of… Me gusta esta mezcla de Bringing out the dead con The Grapes of Wrath y hasta algo de Shoplifters hay por ahí. Y son puros ejemplos de ficción por una razón: Familia de Medianoche opera como una película de ficción y es muy consciente de su aparato cinematográfico. Ya sea el aspect ratio, las persecuciones, la corrección de color, las carreras, los riesgos, todo aquí está codificado para máximo impacto visual, sin dejar a un lado que esta historia es un microcosmos de la fractura social. Insanamente tenso, emocionante y, al menos para mí, algo desesperanzador, Familia de Medianoche es un pequeño compilado de momentos cohesivos, familiares y de unión, enmarcados en el trágico país que vivimos, donde esfuerzos así… A literal family unit. Combating systematic oppression through mechanical survival, the most stripped down satisfactions become the sweetest. This cannot go on. Not enough ambulances are working tonight. They waited 40 minutes for help. Easily one of the most engaging documentaries I've seen so far. While the doc itself is insane (it literally includes footage of ambulances racing each other in busy streets to get to an accident first) I found myself considering how it made me feel. There's an obvious moral dilemma here. Do I cheer on the Ochoa family for doing what they can to survive and help others, or do I condemn them for operating an ambulance and attending to patients without proper training? It's stayed with me, and I'm sure I'll be considering that one for a while. Sometimes I want to take a night off just to show everyone how screwed they'd be without us. Gripping and intriguing documentary which held me throughout. Fascinating to sink into this world. One Ive been unaware of. a good case study for how the world is fucked capitalism is fucked government is fucked everything is fucked You know that scene from GANGS OF NEW YORK where the competing fire companies end up brawling with each other as the buildings burn down around them? Well, that is essence is MIDNIGHT FAMILY. Set in Mexico City, where the chronically under-resourced public ambulance service is bolstered by a odd fleet of competing private ambulances. Following a few nights in the lives of a family-run ambulance company we see them scrimping and saving to keep their ambulance running, eating crappy food, racing other ambulances to be the first on scene, getting harassed by the police, who are enforcing an always changing Kafka-esque list of ambulance regulations, getting stiffed by clients/patients, loosing all of their money by bribing cops, all of… This is a brutally real story about the collision of empathy and commerce. If you're reading this and don't know what the doc is about, it follows a family that makes its bones acting as for-profit ambulance drivers. They do it because this is how they survive, but they're also filling a need in a place woefully unequipped to deal with medical emergencies. While the story is specific to Mexico, its themes are universal. It's staggering how we systemically betray ourselves and leverage tragedy for our own benefit. There's a part where the main drives an injured woman and her in-shock mother to a hospital. The injured woman dies on the drive, but the family badly needs the money, so we have to listen as they hit up the distraught mother for cash. Popular Lists More.

MIDNIGHT family tree. If horror movies had flavors, this one would be vanilla. Houston is not a state. Midnight family review. Yall really love to complain about this movie when you KNOW youre still gonna watch the movie when it comes out. 🙄.